We will provide Article to present the “ DAGO MINING” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The problem is getting worse, said de Vries, who estimated the annual amount of energy consumed by bitcoin rose by a fifth in the final weeks of 2017. Even worse, the concentration of mining power in the hands of a couple of large corporations is distorting the formerly democratic decision-making process in these networks: changes in protocols and hard forks are in danger of being influenced by the economic interests of a few.
When cryptomining was still in its infancy, it was well distributed among a couple of thousand private miners, governed by transparent rules and not harmful to the world environment because the energy requirements were microscopic. During last years, all this has changed: Dutch bitcoin analyst Alex de Vries, who operates a Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index on the website Digiconomist, has produced estimates of growth of energy consumption and they are alarming. If bitcoin miners are using the most efficient machines possible, the lowest amount of electricity they could possibly be using is 39 terawatt hours, de Vries said in an interview.
That’s about as much as the entire country of Slovenia. De Vries said less conservative estimates make it entirely possible that bitcoin is using as much energy as Ireland, which consumes about twice as much as Slovenia, or about 1 percent of the U.S. total.
That’s about as much as the entire country of Slovenia. De Vries said less conservative estimates make it entirely possible that bitcoin is using as much energy as Ireland, which consumes about twice as much as Slovenia, or about 1 percent of the U.S. total.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.

DAGO-mining aims to bring Mining to be independent of the energy market associated with the use of highly efficient hardware resources to get the maximum possible profit from the mining sector. Dago Mining has one initial cost and zero consumption costs. The cost of energy components benefits mining. They make their own latest green energy power plants and they will not have an increase in energy costs in the future. There is no fee per Kw schedule, only a small annual maintenance price ($ 0.01 per Kw), with a 20-year warranty on factory components.
At present, 80% of the energy used for extraction is produced by coal-fired power plants in China, Russia and also Blockchain works with energy, pollution from imitation is a disaster for the environment and climate. Mining is very profitable if done in the right way, using new technology. Dago Mining can install a highly scalable and low-cost PV power plant throughout the world. There are the latest energy resources that they can use to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Hydroelectric, geothermal and solar power plants are possible and at an affordable cost.

What makes us highly profitable: Green energy produced by our own power stations and ASIC technology with immersion cooling

To change the currency is very important for profitability, sometimes more profitable for coins with lower value, but also difficult to calculate, which translates into a larger volume of coins, So increase profitability. The software they provide adds to change extraction currency, whenever there is a market-determined need condition. They are developing separate internal networks, where they can save crypto currency extracted from a choice of external attacks, one their experts in bank security are preparing the environment. They will patent several solutions. Other solutions are discussed here already patented by their chosen partners.
One of the most profitable options is to store tokens in your wallet and receive dividends for each financial year. 40% of the company’s net income is distributed between investors, and reinvesting 50% to increase the strength of the hash for the benefit of all DAGO token holders. In return for DAGO tokens, it will be possible to rent computing capacity for mining in the future. Prices for token holders will be more attractive than it’s for new customers. After completing the ICO, you can always sell tokens on the stock. Another feature that we investigated, is the possibility of DAGO mining multiple extraction operations in a favorable context. Double mining, which means extracting two coins on the same hardware using the core and memory, is often considered unprofitable because it significantly increases energy consumption. By becoming DAGO mining self-help as far as energy worry, the environment is not tied to normal households or industries the level of energy prices and can therefore offer multiple mining in profit and stable configuration, which will further improve performance. Double Mining of course it can be activated or deactivated. In our testing lab, we optimize hardware configuration for multiple mining and can switch to this configuration instantly. The current entry solution for small-scale miners today is collecting resources and sharing processing power with other small-scale mining operation. Here, people work together to solve problems increases a person’s chances of getting a blocking prize, which is then shared with other miners at the cost of a small portion of the prize, which is paid to pool facilitator. With enough hash power, DAGO-mining is capable to eliminate joint mining that supports autonomous mining blocks.
The DAGO token is an ERC-20 standard-based Ethereum token.
DAGO tokens grant their holders the right to:
• Receive 50% of the mining activity divided as follows:
40% paid monthly, 1 month after start
• Reinvest 10% for increase mining capacity
• Receive 20% from the calculation power rental activity divided as
• 20% paid monthly, 1 month after the start 05% reinvested for increase
mining capacity
• Use the tokens to buy mining power with a 30% discount
First information on ICO of new mines, others will be implemented
DAGO Mining will reinvest 40% of the profits, for 18 months revaluable, in
Hardware and Photovoltaic cells to increase the total hash power of the
entire miner for the benefit of all, 10% will cover the costs of maintenance,
administration, personnel etc.
Initial Token Issue Volume: 150.000.000 DAGO
Price of the token in term of FIAT currency: 1 DAGO = 1$
Web Site: https://dago-mining.com/
Form of payment accepted: ETH, credit cards
Tokens not allocated shall be destroyed.
For lowest fees and safe payment we recommend to buy DAGO tokens with
Tokens Distribution:
-85% token holder
-15% Founders and Companies

Private Pre-Sale
Start: 12.30.2018 12.00 UTC
End: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 12.30.2018 12.00 UTC
End: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC
ICO stage 1
Start: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC
ICO stage 2
Start: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC
ICO stage 3
Start: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC
ICO final stage
Start: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 08.10.2019 12.00 UTC
Start: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC
End: 08.10.2019 12.00 UTC
For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :
Website: http://dago-mining.com//
Telegram: https://t.me/DAGOMiningofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dago_Mining/
Author : Letty sits
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
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