Have a nice day, we will present a Project that uses the power of blockchain technology and Smart contracts. The Time Money Platform will be able to give users transparency on every transaction without relying on third parties such as banks or financial institutions.
This project is named Time Mooney, for more details, let's look at the video below:
Online real time platform for all ondemand services which can be calculated per minute or task bases. All transactions are written in Blockchain and work with Smart Contract secure payment system.
All services and tasks will be mutually beneficiary, great quality and rewarded with TMONEY tokens, which will be internal cryptocurrency.
AVAILABLE FOR ALL - All per time or task calculated services, jobs or skills accepted.
DECENTRALIZED - Platform and token controlled by users. Encrypted.
TRANSPARENT - Transparent and easy to understand reward system.
SERVICE QUALITY - Two way rating system and Good user attract Good user system
By using Blockchain and Smart Contracts, we can guarantee our users security, worldwide reach and necessary transparency. Currently there is no other application in the market, which allows people to provide any skill set on-demand and get rewarded for that. Time Money platform work on internal currency- TMONEY token. TMONEY token will allow users not to depend on banks or any other financial institutions. TMONEY is based on Ethereum protocol and will be used for all transactions in Time Money platform. TMONEY token will be controlled by users, so there will not be any fee for holding TMONEY token. By using our cryptocurrency, it will give people relevant flexibility to use tokens as they wish- pay for services of other users, hold or trade for other crypto or fiat currencies. Since TMONEY is ERC20 token, then it will be very easy to convertible to any well-recognized crypto or fiat currency.
Time Money platform work on internal currency- TMONEY token. TMONEY token will allow users not to depend on banks or any other financial institutions.
TMONEY is based on Ethereum protocol and will be used for all transactions in Time Money platform. TMONEY token will be controlled by users, so there will not be any fee for holding TMONEY token. By using our cryptocurrency, it will give people relevant flexibility to use tokens as they wish- pay for services of other users, hold or trade for other crypto or fiat currencies. Since TMONEY is ERC20 token, then it will be very easy to convertible to any well-recognized crypto or fiat currency.
How to Work
Our mission is to help people to convert their time into money by doing what they love and can do. Unlike many other Blockchain start-ups, our internal currency- TMONEY will be used to calculate real people time, which will not lose its relevancy.
Our Vision for Time Money is to replace current job systems with decentralized ondemand service platform worldwide, where great meetings happenTWO-WAY REVIEWS
- Meeting requester rates quality of the meeting and time both parties spent, how close it was to the service initially agreed on meeting.
- Meeting provider rates quality of the meeting and time both parties spent, how close it was to agreed service and professionalism of meeting requester.
- User will must have rating above 4,5 stars (out of 5 possible) to be active in our system
- Users with ratings bellow 4,5 stars will be manually reviewed
- We will not tolerate bad rating (bellow 3,5 stars). Users with bad rating will be suspended from our application
TIME MOONEY Excellence
- People will always will need help from other people. People will always look for possibility to increase their wealth. This platform will unite these both needs and provide it through transparent, secure and logical calculation system.
- Platform will have great easy to understand user interface, so even person without any IT knowledge will be able to navigate easily.
- Platform will be launched in multi languages- English and Spanish in Florida and we will add additional languages in following years, so platform will be easily understandable worldwide.
- Platform key factor is user amount and that will be our main target- growing user amount, so everyone can find relevant service for his needs.
- By using cryptocurrency, Time Money users will have total control of their assets without any government, bank, corporate or other institutions involvement.
- Since Time Money will allow any service that can be per minute or per task calculated, it gives opportunity to very wide variety of people to offer their unique skillset. We will make sure, that every person service to other person is fairly rewarded.
- Time Money will expand to offer the service worldwide, so user will have possibility to travel to different country and use the platform having same userexperience, like in McDonald.
- TMONEY currency and be accepted on all major crypto currency trading platforms, as it can easily convertible to Ethereum.
- Our transaction fees are less than our competitors’ fees.
- Time Money will create a synergized place for different audiences that did not interact before, such various service providers and various service requesters.
- All parties benefit from Time Money new system: requesters are getting service from providers and service providers are rewarded fairly for their time.
Distributed tokens for sale
220,000,000 Minimum purchase per one person 0.1 ETH
Total produced
tokens 400 000 000 TMONEY Maximum purchase per one person 12000 ETH
Maximum goal
(hard cap) 48 000 ETH Hard cap ($) $14,000,000
Minimum goal
(softcap) 8000 ETH Soft cap ($) 2,400,000
1 ETH 4222 ICO 156 million TMONEY
Token code TMONEY Accepted crypto-currency ETH,BTC
Phase TMONEY tokens Percentage
Total tokens 400,000,000 100%
Token sale 220,000,000 55%
ICO phase-1 10% bonus 55,000,000 13.75%
ICO phase-2 5% bonus 49,350,000 12.34%
ICO phase-3 Regular price 105,550,000 26,39%
ICO phase-4 1% bonus (last day of ICO) 10,100,000 2,52%
For More Information you can visit link below :
AUTHOR : Letty sits
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