We will provide Article to present the “ Storichain” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
This is a project that provides a partially decentralized dApp application and a general protocol for solving the problems of the story industry with blockchain characteristics. The “story industry” refers to an industry that uses “stories” as the source of its products and includes areas such as films, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals and radio shows.

Storichain can be seen as a digital history asset management system that allows people to make online transactions even with unreliable people by entering into an “agreement to prevent the theft of ideas”. Another problem in the industry is that of profit sharing.
For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of Korea’s largest plot-based industries, has already exceeded $ 700 million in market size, but there are still many people who doubt the profit sharing structure in the industry, as well as in many materials. Creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work.
Storichain begins by placing a token’s value base on creating stories, which ultimately wants to reduce the cost of trust between the participants in the story industry — writers, production companies, and readers. In this way, Storichain will make the process of creating a derivative work from source material more transparent, deciding the injustice that exists in the industry and creates new values.
The Storichain project aims to explore and develop “stories” as a type of intellectual property. The industry of stories can be defined as an industry that includes the work of the creators of stories and actions that use the stories created for various purposes. In 2014, Story Stories identified an industry that creates added value through products and enterprises based on research, discovery, planning, development, creation, dissemination, and transmission of stories that are viewed as a source of imagination and creativity.
Storichain does not store the original textual history data in the blockchain. This is due to the fact that Storichain takes into account the contribution made at the creation stage and the transaction, as well as the transfer of ownership of the history more than the text / graphic data of the story itself.

In fact, no one can prevent a person from distributing text content, since all he needs to do is take a picture of his monitor and distribute it to any place he wants.
Thus, instead of simply preventing such actions, Storichain considers it more important to prove the value of the author’s efforts by systematically measuring who contributed to history, when and how they contributed, how ownership was transferred, and how much each contributed to the story in the case of cooperation.
Storichain calls this kind of data “activity metrics.” Since activity metrics are used to distribute profits accumulated by history, it cannot be falsified or manipulated. In addition, performance indicators are also used as a basis for calculating the growth index, which is used to determine the value of the main asset of a story. This will be the basis for the distribution of profits.
Storichain followed the blockchain technology, which provides trust between the participants and extends its borders to unforeseen territories. Blockchain provides trust beyond borders and ideologies, helping many industries simplify the problems they have faced in the past and offer new solutions.
Storichain seeks to embed the blockchain into the storyline industry in order to create a world in which all participants can be satisfied by taking part of the responsibility. To implement this philosophy step by step, the company has now accurately identified the current industry problems in order to find new solutions.
Storichain feature
- Optimized
optimized for creators
Collaboration / joint recording / contract between authors, weekly reimbursement and API for third-party contests providing company - Ease of use
Anytime, anywhere you want to tell a story.
Simple and fast writing platform. - Relevant partner
Writer Compliance / Cooperation Agreements / Job Statistics / Update Notifications / Creating Detailed Commissions - Participation in
A platform for the work of readers, becoming writers themselves, creating stories and participating in them - Transparent
The platform that encourages participants was fair and transparent based on their input. - Global platform
A global platform that can be translated, sold or even copyrighted for global expansion
TORI Token Main Sale Schedule
Storichain team has completed the maintenance of the upcoming main sale schedule, and the following is a full-scale main sale schedule.
IEO Exchange : BW.com
Time : June. 25. 2019. at noon.
IEO Exchanges : Probit.com
Time : June. 25. 2019. at noon
IEO Exchange : Hanbitco.com
Time : July.7.1. at noon
More information on token sales for each exchanges will be announced later through Storichain community and updated again if there are any other changes or additions.
Storichain is working hard to develop Alpha services, a renewal open based on the central server logic, by reorganizing the currently unveiled MVP services. In particular, we are developing story creation functions, interactive story viewer functions, item purchase, and item trading functions first. Although the targeted funding for development is not yet up to date, Storichain team will do its best to open the service of the project regardless of the size of the collection.
Thank you.
- ** ( a must-read note)***
(0) Purchases made by Early Bird at TokenBank/Cobak/Hanbitco will be distributed in your wallet three to five days before your public offering.
- For the global retailer BW.com Koreans are not allowed to participate for one month, including the sale period, for the overseas community that has not benefited from the early bird.
- Bonus rates may vary depending on the standard crypto purchased at each exchanges
- Post-sale listing schedules may vary for each exchanges
- Refund rules are in accordance with each dealer policy.
- Purchases made through Storichain TORI token sale are viewed as ‘buy’ rather than as an investment. When you move to your personal wallet, you transfer ownership.
- If you put a TORI token in your personal wallet, you can put it in your wallet, such as MetaMask wallet or MyEtherWallet, through Custom Token addition.
- If you want to add a custom token to your personal wallet, you can enter the following information.TORI Token Contract Address : 0xc71e20e54adfc415f79bf0a8f11122917920050eToken Symbol : TORIDecimal : 18
- Locker Contact cannot enter the same wallet address in AirDrop Pool. The token received from AirDrop Pool has a lock-up and release period. For example, a 3-month lock-up will be released every 30 Claim days, instead of one release after the lock-up period.
- Storichain team does not guarantee the market price of the token. However, we will do our best for research, development, and marketing so that Storichain platform can be used in the story industry, and if it falls short of the target fundraiser, we will do our best within the resources provided to solve the problem of the story industry and reach the goal even if we adjust the road map.
- Be sure to read Storichain white paper before purchasing TORI token.
- You can experience MVP, the smallest feature-activated product unveiled, on the website.
- TORI token is not a paid or legal currency. A barter token among utility tokens.
The purpose of the TORI token is to be used for buying story tickets, creating stories, selling items consumed in the story, selling characters, contracts for story intellectual property, IP licensing (ticket) contracts, contracts for creative contracts, deposits, requests for creating stories, trading items, and raising items in slots, etc. based on narratives that deal with a well-organized passage. Therefore, it is a smart contact license used within a DApp developed using Storichain API and Storichain Platfrom.
Storichain — Story Industry Value Chain


For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :
Website: https://storichain.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/storichain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storichain
Medium: https://medium.com/storichain
Telegram : https://t.me/storichain_bounty
Author : Letty sits
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
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