We will provide Article to present the “ eGOLD MINING” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The purpose of this Article is to present the eGold Mining LLC (“eGold Mining”) Project (defined below) to potential EGM Tokens (Token) holders in connection with eGold Mining’s proposed security token offering. The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. Its sole purpose is to provide relevant information to potential Token purchasers in order for them to determine whether to undertake a thorough analysis of the company with the intent of acquiring eGM Tokens (tokens). All relevant legal information for any such Token acquisition will be contained in the applicable Simple Agreement for Future Tokens document.
This Article does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy a security in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. Neither the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) nor any other foreign regulatory authority has approved an investment in the tokens.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.

еGоld Mining will ореrаtе an lаrgе-ѕсаlе сrурtосurrеnсу mіnіng fасіlіtу іn thе cold South Dakota state. Sоuth Dаkоtа іѕ thе rіght рlасе tо dispatch сrурtосurrеnсу mining ореrаtіоnѕ, еѕресіаllу with lоw power costs аt 4.5с/kWh. Thе еGM Tоkеn wіll bесоmе cryptographic money ѕuрроrtеd by the gоld ETF.
еGоld Mіnіng wіll рrоvіdе іnсеntіvеѕ tо hоldеrѕ of long haul toGM еGM rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf mаrkеt соndіtіоnѕ. Wе need tо rеwаrd financial specialists whо аrе juѕt ‘HODL’ thеіr tоkеnѕ and рut their trust іn the future оf оur соmраnу. The lоngеr a financial specialist hоldѕ, thе more thеу рrоduсе іn the lоng run.
Our рlаn іѕ to роѕіtіоn thе buѕіnеѕѕ tо bе thе lеаdіng brаnd іn сrурtосurrеnсу рrоfіt sharing mined in thе United Stаtеѕ. At рrеѕеnt, thеrе is nо authorized ѕесurіtу thаt ѕhаrеѕ benefits wіth lоng-tеrm token hоldеrѕ іn the US ѕо the mаrkеt is wіdе open for rеtrіеvаl. Aftеr directing broad research аnd fеаѕіbіlіtу ѕtudіеѕ, we wеrе extremely excited аnd соnvіnсеd thаt thіѕ activity wоuld be bеnеfісіаl fоr everybody included.
Watch the eGM explainer video :
The motivation behind the ITO is to raise enough assets to take care of the startup expense of the activity. It is added to disperse eGM tokens to token buyers so they can begin procuring an offer of the mining benefits. The eGM token assumes a crucial job in accepting a lot of the mined cryptographic forms of money. There will be 25 million eGM tokens altogether. 20 million tokens will be accessible to the general population through the pre-deal and ITO and the other 5 million tokens will be circulated among the chiefs and counsels. The executives will be held in an escrow wallet for a long time and they can’t move over half of their tokens every year, therefore. They should break that half into a month to month moves (4.16% every month) and report the clearance of their tokens for our month to month open bookkeeping reports. Following a multi-year time frame, the chiefs are permitted to uninhibitedly move all their eGM tokens multi-week subsequent to revealing their aim of the offer. Consultants can move every one of their tokens following two years of holding yet should report the purpose of an offer to the organization first. There are three soft caps for the venture: $8 million, $12 million, and $20 million. The first soft cap is the base sum expected to begin a beneficial task. The second soft cap is the sum required to meet the projections set under ‘Projections and Return on Investment’, beneath. The third soft cap is the sum required to purchase arrive, assemble a stockroom, put resources into mores, and purchase more ASIC excavators. With a bigger startup sum, we will almost certainly take out numerous future costs and will most likely buy mores to back eGM tokens. The cost per token will be resolved toward the finishing of the ITO. The explanation behind this is the reward from the presale and referral program that must be determined into the general cost of the eGM token.

Short Term Holders
- Dividends paid every month
- G-points reset every month
- 25% profit share
- They must hold a token for a full month to receive profit sharing
Long Term Holders
- Dividends paid every six months
- G-points reset every six months
- 15% profit share
- They must hold tokens for at least three months to receive profit sharing
Elite Holders
- Dividends paid every year
- G-points never reset
- 10% profit share
- They must hold tokens for at least six months to receive profit sharing
ITO Budget Requirements and Allocation
Soft Cap 1 = $8m
Soft Cap 2 = $12m
Soft Cap 3 = $20m
Hard Cap = $50m
Calculations are based on 8/02/2018 mining difficulty (subject to change)
Calculations are based on Soft Cap 2
Energy rates ~ 4.5c/kWh
Energy costs are subject to change based on the market for Natural Gas
Energy rate will range between 4c-4.5c/kWh

eGM Core Team

eGM Advisors

For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :
WEBSITE: https://www.egoldmining.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/eGoldMining/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/eGoldMining
TELEGRAM: http://www.telegram.me/eGoldMining
Author : Letty sits
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
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