We will provide Article to present the “ SYNAPSECOIN” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
Another problem we have found is that within the space of Crowdfunding circulates approximately hundreds of millions of dollars each year, but it is plagued by fraud, failed projects, and the “finished” projects simply do not meet the expectations or promises that has made, giving to the large investors significant losses. And from the perspective of entrepreneurs end up paying high rates of commissions and platform maintenance costs, without counting the interests in banking transactions, leaving them with low budgets to run their projects. This traditional style of making investments and / or ventures is limiting the development of a sustainable and equitable financial ecosystem for all parties.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.
The crypto-revolution that is happening now will change things, making fundraising easier for startups and making it as easy and simple as it is always supposed to be. Decentralization, cryptocurrency and smart contracts are the new tools to raise funds.
That is why we have created SYNAPSECOIN, a hundred percent innovative project, where the investors can find a range of innovative projects (previously filtered by our team of specialists). And the entrepreneurs can find a team of specialist advisors in different areas who will be able to make their project reality by connecting it with real investors.
That is why we have created SYNAPSECOIN, a hundred percent innovative project, where the investors can find a range of innovative projects (previously filtered by our team of specialists). And the entrepreneurs can find a team of specialist advisors in different areas who will be able to make their project reality by connecting it with real investors.

Synapsecoin is a collective financing system that uses BLockchain technology and Smart Contracts that comply, transparency and security in each operation.
This system allows financing innovative projects connecting them with investors interested in contribute to the society, and at the same time generating an attractive profitability.
It will also be supported by its own Exchange or (exchange house), called Criptowasi. A system based on disruptive technology, and developed with a look & feel appropriate to the world of trading; using as standard the best practices of the Exchange most positioned cryptoworld.

SYP may be a cryptocurrency that connects investors with entrepreneurs, for it develops 2 massive projects: A Crowdfunding platform that uses Blockchain technology and Criptowasi its own Exchange, wherever you’ll exchange SYP and different Crypto-currencies simply, safely and economically. 2 giants that guarantee security and transparency.
Synapsecoin, may be a collective funding system (Crowdfunding) worldwide, generating a clear ecosystem to affix the SYNAPSECOIN community, investors, entrepreneurs and businessmen, creating a relationship that may be helpful for all. The SYNAPSECOIN team advises creators and investors to resolve all doubts and improve their comes.
Providing users with the very best standards of quality and safety. The first factor Associate in Nursing enterpriser should have is a thought of a project that may have a review method with platform specialists. we tend to admit comes targeted on the setting, technology, games and education, among others. It doesn’t matter if it’s a product or service, we tend to area unit hospitable ability altogether its aspects, but your plan should be objective Associate in Nursingd should give price to society being an innovative project.
Providing users with the very best standards of quality and safety. The first factor Associate in Nursing enterpriser should have is a thought of a project that may have a review method with platform specialists. we tend to admit comes targeted on the setting, technology, games and education, among others. It doesn’t matter if it’s a product or service, we tend to area unit hospitable ability altogether its aspects, but your plan should be objective Associate in Nursingd should give price to society being an innovative project.
For SYNAPSECOIN , investor safety is a fundamental goal of the project, when a certain project reaches 100% of the fee, it is provided to the entrepreneur or businessman who created the project, 20% of attracted capital, the rest will be delivered in part along with the progress of the project after previous SYNAPSECOIN checks . The project will have 3 stages of verification, at which evidence of progress will be shown, at each approved stage the remaining capital will be provided to entrepreneurs. The SYNAPSECOIN team is based on full transparency, so Criptowasi was also created where the user can exchange cryptocurrencies, such as: SYP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Dogeand others. Here, users will also be able to trade and benefit from the rise of cryptocurrency.
The SYNAPSECOIN team consists of unique specialists: lawyers, programmers, engineers, and technical experts. The SYNAPSECOIN team brought together a group of dedicated professionals in the field of finance, technology and entrepreneurship, committed to working and fulfilling all of their tasks.
Unlike different platforms that charge a commission of 5–10% for the location, while not mentioning another 5% granted to the payment system and 10–30% paid by the creators as fiduciary taxes and bank taxes, SYP funds ar transfer to the creators of campaigns much in their account, the totality within the style of cryptocurrency. The SYNAPSECOIN platform charges four-dimensional of the entire project revenue in SYP for Crowdinvesting and Crowdfunding campaigns. This fee is taken once the fundraising project has successfully completed. just in case of campaigns that coin new tokens for investors. so as to feel a part of the project and reach a standard goal we want to be connected that the business creator can provide Synapsecoin two of the created tokens, so as that the supported firms have associate degree endorsement of the Synapsecoin platforms. Therefore, several creators of Crowdfunding campaigns launched on Synapsecoin can pay solely four-dimensional fees in SYPCOIN (SYP) compared to a minimum of 15 August 1945 -40% if they’re launched on ancient initial generation crowdfunding platforms.
- The Synapsecoin platform offers project developers advice, support and fundraising tools in the initial
stage of the project. - The platform allows to develop two types of fundraising campaigns: Crowdfunding and
Crowdinvesting. - SYP will be use as an exchange currency within the Synapsecoin platform.
- The capitalist through the Synapsecoin platform finds safe and reliable comes conferred by the enterpriser.
- The enterpriser makes a secure intelligent contract for the fundraising campaign of his project, wherever the capitalist, through the syp token, invests within the chosen project, that started his assortment campaign.
The enterpriser makes a secure intelligent contract for the fundraising campaign of his project, wherever the capitalist, through the syp token, invests within the chosen project, that started his assortment campaign. - If the entrepreneur’s fundraising campaign is flourishing, the capitalist are given an award of two hundredth of their investment in syn token.
- When the capitalist desires to form use of his reward, he will {do it|roll within the hay|love|make out|make love|sleep with|get laid|have sex|know|be intimate|have intercourse|have it away|have it off|screw|fuck|jazz|eff|hump|lie with|bed|have a go at it|bang|get it on|bonk|copulate|mate|pair|couple} in the Exchange of Cryptowasi, there he will exchange it for bitcoin, eth, ltc. otherwise you will trade.
- When the fundraising campaign is with success completed, within the enterpriser project, funds are changed within the Cryptowasi Exchange for the execution of the project.
- When the enterpriser with success completes the execution of the project, the overall investment are delivered to the investors.
- SYNAPSECOIN: it’s a collective finance platform, that connects investors with entrepreneurs, through associate degree intelligent, safe and clear contract, giving totally different innovative comes for investors, within the same manner that gives full recommendation to entrepreneurs to be ready to list their comes , with the aim of reaching a victorious assortment and execution.
- The enterpriser should gift his project to the Synapsecoin platform, it’ll be evaluated and approved by the platform’s advisers.
- At Synapsecoin, associate degree intelligent, safe, and clear contract are established for the entrepreneur’s project, which can specify agreements with advantages for its investors.
On the opposite hand, the capitalist selects the project of interest, buys his (SYP) token within the Synapsecoin platform, or in his own Exchange CriptoWasi and invests within the Project. - Upon reaching the victorious assortment, the good contract can mechanically send the user their token (s) depicted in shares for investors, within the same quantity that has been endowed.
- PROJECTSYP: it’ll be the exchange of the dead comes, wherever the capitalist when having received their token (s) are ready to sell or purchase. In Projectsyp, the exchange are done solely with its own token (SYP), and with the various token (s) of the comes that ar within the Synapsecoin platform.
- CRIPTOWASI: when having changed in Projectsyp with the token (SYP), the capitalist are ready to take it to the Exchange of CRIPTOWASI, so as to exchange their SYP tokens with totally different cryptocurrencies.
This new platform will allow novice projects to find financing without intermediaries. Currency exchange will (SYP) be financial stability for business ideas. The platform will also ensure confidentiality and security for our investors and entrepreneurs. And it is also possible to get a percentage of the investments made in the project Crowdfundig, this profit will be from 10% to 20%.

Symbol: SYP
Decimals standard of ERC20: 18
Token function: utility token. Use of the token: currency of exchange within the platform.
Total supply: 990, 000,000 SYP
Private sale: from December 1 to January 10 Cost of 1 SYP: 0.025USD
Contract: 0x7853a395abf4aac78e69ed9f7b93238a44b0f017
Accepted currencies: ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, LITECTA.



For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :
Author : Letty sits
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247