We will provide Article to present the “ THALER” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
Video About Thaler :

What Is Thaler ?
Thaler is a bridge creator between our community and large investors.The idea of crypto mass education will lead our token to mass adoption. Thaler is a peer-to-peer digital currency which encourages growth within the blockchain technology community. It strengthen the path towards mass adoption of cryptocurrency technology through investing in unique innovations.
Thaler is a decentralized filter and linking platform which will provide cryptocurrency innovators an ecosystem where they can share information about their projects and get reliable Investors to partner with them. The THALER team understands that as new blockchain technologies are being developed, it is increasingly difficult for Investors to intelligently and informatively find the best cryptocurrency investments in the industry. On the other hand, it’s also difficult for the project creators to find funding for their projects. Thus, Thaler Crypto Foundation (T.C.F) will provide an ecosystem that solves these problems by connecting verified projects with Investors and Collaborators.
This exchange will have multiple functions as:
- Trading platform

2. Stake/Freeze tokens and receive rewards based on your holdings (in our stable coin TALS)

3. Contests for traders (with daily, weekly and monthly TOP 10). This section is dedicated for traders only. There will be different tasks published and based on your trades the top10 traders will receive various rewards.

4. Cryptocurrency catalog providing data on market capitalization, current rates, graphs, and so on.

5. Smart investment corner . This module will be directly connected with Thaler Crypto Foundation and will help investors reach the projects that are implemented in our Foundation.

The first 1000 users that will register and operate in our exchange will receive 50TALS = 50$ .
TALS will be the name of our Stable Coin that will be used for almost all payments in the exchange, or your daily shopping using NFC payment services.
We still have more announcements to make and we’ll come back with updates sooner than you can imagine.
Why choose Thaler :
Thaler can help create a bridge between Investors and small, but captivating projects that can improve the crypto space. Thaler is fully decentralized and by definition the most trustable coin on the market!
Our team motivation is to create the most trusted and low fee token on the market.
This new concept is designed to support, guide and develop small, but engaging crypto projects by creating new collaborations/ partnerships between investors, business enthusiasts, IT engineers, crypto devotees, etc.
Our goal here remains the same: mass adoption.
First, every crypto project submitted to our foundation has to pass through a safety verification system by Thaler . We want to stimulate their competitiveness, thus every project that is accepted will be listed and graded on the Thaler website according to their degree of activity (ex. Junior, Senior).
We will only encourage enterprising, dynamic and committed projects that maybe, someday, they will change the way that the Crypto World works!
We will be launching an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) in partnership with VinDAX Exchange launching on October/13/2019 10:00 UTC.
Link Here → https://vindax.com/faq/thaler-tal-public-sale-on-vindax-launchpad-on-october-13-2019.html
Token Detail
Total supply : 350.000.000TAL
Circulating supply :180.000.000TAL
Blockchain : Ethereum
Contract address: 0x375a08ce3a460f20bbafd282be1e3579a2c31f41
You can check in real time the cost of one transaction with our token: https://ethgasstation.info/
- Session 1:
Session Supply: 10,000,000 TAL
BTC Market: 3,000,000 FROM
Pasar ETH: 3.000.000 TAL
Market General Manager: 1,000,000 TAL
USDT Market: 3,000,000
Price: $ 0.05 USD
Start time: October 13 2019, 10:00 UTC
- Session 2:
Session Supply: 10,000,000 TAL
BTC Market: 3,000,000 FROM
Pasar ETH: 3.000.000 TAL
Market General Manager: 1,000,000 TAL
USDT Market: 3,000,000
Price: 0.07 USDT
Start time: October 16 2019 10:00 UTC
1.We will launch our exchange platform named MoneTAL Exchange:

There, you can trade various cryptocurrencies, stake (freeze) TAL tokens and receive rewards based on your holdings.
Also, the winning projectdecided by the communitywill be listed for free on MoneTal Exchange and the next two projects behind him will benefit a fee reduction of 50% .
2.Buy Back and Burn with Announcement:

After the IEO and Listing phase is finished, with every announcement posted by our team, we are going to buy backpart of our tokens from the open market and burn them (this will increase the scarcity and will help the token price go up).
3.Stability and Payment method :

We want to build our ownstable coin that can eliminate the risks of this volatile market, but also use it for daily purchases via NFC ( Near Field Communication), in this way you’ll use Thaler to make your daily grocery shopping.

We are developing a game on IOS/Android, where you can learn valuable information about blockchain technology and win some TAL on the way. To make the game more entertaining we will make monthly challenges and the number one player will receive various rewards.

If we are going to reach the soft cap, we are going to split 10 ETH for investors/ if we are going to reach hard cap — 100 ETH.
6.Charity :

If we are going to reach the soft cap, 1% of the funds raised will go to a charity chosen by the community / if we are going to reach the hard cap, 5% of the raised funds will go to charity.
On top of the token sale, we have a bounty programmed for you to earn some free tokens.
The bounty campaign will start on 4th of October and will be live for two weeks during the IEO
For More Information You Can Visit Think Link :
Website : https://www.thalertoken.com/
WhitePaper : https://www.thalertoken.com/white-paper
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/thalertokenfollow/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/TokenThaler
Medium : https://medium.com/@thalertoken
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thaler_token?r=nametag
Author : Letty sits
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
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