Kamis, 17 Oktober 2019


Wir werden Artikel bereitstellen, um das „ CANNACOR.IO“ -Projekt potenziellen Plattformteilnehmern und jenen vorzustellen , die daran interessiert sind, zu seiner Entwicklung beizutragen. Die nachfolgend aufgeführten Informationen sind möglicherweise nicht vollständig und begründen kein Vertragsverhältnis. Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, Informationen für alle bereitzustellen, damit sie feststellen können, ob sie bereit sind, das Unternehmen mit der Absicht zu analysieren, Token zu erhalten oder zu investieren.
CannaCor und die Blockchain Corporation haben sich in einer Zusammenarbeit positioniert, um weltweit führend in der Cannabisforschung, im Anbau, in der Verarbeitung und im Vertrieb sowie bei der Implementierung von Blockchain-Technologien zum Zwecke des Cannabis-Lebenszyklus und des Lieferkettenmanagements zu werden. Sie streben danach, die Zukunft der Branche zu leiten, zu legitimieren und zu definieren, indem sie das weltweit vertrauenswürdigste Cannabisunternehmen mit Sitz in einer Blockchain aufbauen. Dieses Vorhaben umfasst die Errichtung einer einzigartigen Aquaponik-Anbau- und Produktionsstätte in Lesotho, um den globalen Markt zu beliefern. Dieses Dokument enthält Einzelheiten zum Beitrag beider Parteien zu diesem Vorhaben, einschließlich eines Initial Coin Offering (ICO), und zu den Auswirkungen auf deren Betrieb.


Die Vision von CannaCor ist es, Vorreiter im medizinischen Cannabisanbau in Lesotho zu werden. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Implementierung nachhaltiger Produktionsanlagen und dem Ausbau unseres Vorsprungs durch eine Aquaponik-Produktionsanlage. Gleichzeitig integrieren wir alle unsere Managementsysteme mit einer Auswahl von Blockchain-Technologien, um Transparenz, Unveränderlichkeit und Nachverfolgung in der Praxis zu gewährleisten


CannaCor arbeitet täglich mit einer Gruppe erfahrener Wissenschaftler, Blockchain-Entwickler, Apotheker und Ingenieure zusammen, um unser Unternehmen durch die Erforschung und Lieferung umweltverträglicher, qualitativ hochwertiger Cannabisprodukte zu verbessern.


Das Team der Blockchain Corporation ist bestrebt, Probleme in der medizinischen Cannabisindustrie zu lösen und sich auf die Implementierung realer Lösungen zu konzentrieren, um ein gleichmäßiges Pflanzenwachstum von hervorragender Qualität und Quantität sicherzustellen. Ziel ist es, den Lebenszyklus des Anbaus von Cannabis zu verkürzen und zielgerichtete Lieferkettenlösungen bereitzustellen, um die Rückverfolgbarkeit der Produkte zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck positioniert sich die Blockchain Corporation als einer der ersten Anwender und Implementierer einer Kombination aus Blockchain- und Hyperledger-Technologien, um den Produktionszyklus und die Lieferkette von medizinischem Cannabis zu verwalten. Hauptschwerpunkte sind das Management des Anbau-Lebenszyklus und das Lieferkettenmanagement.


Die Blockchain Corporation ist der Ansicht, dass durch die Nutzung aller vorteilhaften Aspekte von Hyperledger Fabric der Verfolgungsprozess nicht nur transparent ist, sondern auch alle Eigenschaften aufweist, die ihn zur besten Technologie für die Verfolgung machen. Hyperledger eignet sich aufgrund der gebotenen Flexibilität am besten für den Betrieb. Der Übergang von der Anonymität zu vollständiger Transparenz und einfacher Nachverfolgung ist ideal für dieses Projekt.

Der gesamte Prozess ist in verschiedene Phasen unterteilt:

  • Phase 1 — Management des Produktionslebenszyklus
Durch die Verwendung der Hyperledger-Blockchain können wir sicher sein, dass die Cannabispflanze transparent verfolgt und zurückverfolgt wird. Der gesamte Produktionslebenszyklus beginnt mit dem Einspeisen von Daten in die Blockchain. Die erste Phase des Prozesses umfasst die Produktion bis hin zur Verpackung.
  • Phase 2 — Lieferkettenmanagement
Sobald die verpackten Waren für den Versand an die Endverbraucher (in diesem Fall die Einzelhändler) bereit sind, durchlaufen sie QR-Code-Scans und andere Qualitätsprüfungen. All dies wird im Hyperledger aktualisiert, sobald der Vorgang stattfindet. Der letzte Teil dieser Phase besteht darin, dass die verpackten Waren den jeweiligen Einzelhändlern zur weiteren Verwendung zukommen.


  • Die CannaCor-Münze wird im Ethereum-Netzwerk erstellt.
  • Die CannaCor-Kryptowährung wird mittels ICO an die Öffentlichkeit verkauft.
  • Die während des ICO gesammelten Mittel werden verwendet, um die Kultivierungsanlage zu bauen und die Blockchain und ihre Anwendungen zu entwickeln.
  • Münzen werden innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach dem ICO an die Teilnehmer verteilt.
  • Akzeptierte Währungen für den Kauf der Cannacor-Münze sind Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) und Ripple (XRP).


Transaktionen müssen in der Reihenfolge in das Hauptbuch geschrieben werden, in der sie stattfinden, auch wenn sie sich möglicherweise zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen von Teilnehmern innerhalb des Netzwerks befinden. Dazu muss die Reihenfolge der Transaktionen festgelegt und eine Methode eingerichtet werden, mit der fehlerhafte Transaktionen, die fälschlicherweise oder in böswilliger Absicht in das Hauptbuch eingefügt wurden, zurückgewiesen werden können


CannaCor wird alle erforderlichen Schritte unternehmen, um die Cannabisproduktionsanlage gemäß Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) zu errichten. Qualitäts-, Sicherheits- und Wirksamkeitsanforderungen werden beim Anbau, der Ernte und der Primärverarbeitung von Cannabispflanzen für medizinische Zwecke oder bei der Herstellung von nicht sterilen Cannabisarzneimitteln berücksichtigt.

Zu medizinischem Cannabis gehören:

  • Cannabis
  • Cannabis-Materialien
  • Cannabispräparate
  • Fertige Cannabisprodukte.


Blockchain Track & Trace-Funktionen

Die Blockchain bietet größtmögliche Transparenz bei der dezentralen Erfassung von Daten und stellt sicher, dass die Aufzeichnungen der Plattform sicher, transparent, überprüfbar und unveränderlich sind.
  1. Management des Cannabis-AnbauzyklusDie Blockchain und die Anwendungen werden verwendet, um die Aktivitäten zu koordinieren, die erforderlich sind, um Rohstoffe anzunehmen, das Produkt herzustellen, die Qualität zu testen, die Verpackung für den Versand und den Zeitplan für die Lieferung. Unser Ziel ist es, die Qualität unserer Produkte, die Produktionsleistung und die Produktivität unserer Mitarbeiter zu messen und zu erfassen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Unternehmen Produkte schafft, die den Qualitätsstandards entsprechen.
  2. Cannabis Supply Chain ManagementSupply Chain Management ist die Abwicklung des gesamten Produktionsflusses der CannaCor-Produkte — angefangen von der Aussaat bis hin zur Auslieferung des Endprodukts an den Verbraucher. Um diese Aufgabe zu erfüllen, wird CannaCor ein Netzwerk von Prozessen aufbauen, die das Produkt von den Rohstofflieferanten zu den Organisationen verlagern, die sich direkt mit den Anwendern befassen
  3. Regulierungs- und Compliance-Management DieRegulierungsbehörden fordern detaillierte Informationen zum Geschäft eines medizinischen Cannabiskultivators: Woher kommt das Produkt, die Ergebnisse aller durchgeführten Tests, die angegebene Produktionsmenge und die Verteilung. Unser Ziel ist es, Support-Prozesse einzurichten, um Informationen in der gesamten Lieferkette zu überwachen und die Einhaltung aller Vorschriften sicherzustellen


Hyperledger Fabric Smart-Verträge werden in Kettencode geschrieben und von einer Anwendung außerhalb der Blockchain aufgerufen, wenn diese Anwendung mit dem Hauptbuch interagieren muss. In den meisten Fällen interagiert der Chain Code nur mit der Datenbankkomponente des Ledgers, dem Weltstatus (z. B. Abfragen) und nicht mit dem Transaktionsprotokoll. Chain Code kann in mehreren Programmiersprachen implementiert werden. Derzeit werden Go und Node unterstützt.


Die CannaCor-Münze ist eine ERC20-Münze, die auf der Ethereum-Blockchain erstellt wurde. CannaCor entschied sich für Ethereum, weil es bereits von den Massen angenommen wurde und es der CannaCor-Münze ermöglicht, an allgemeinen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen. Ethereum ist eine schnelle, dezentrale und unveränderliche Blockchain. CannaCor wird sich bemühen, eine Massenakzeptanz im medizinischen Cannabissektor zu erreichen, indem Lösungen angeboten werden, die die Probleme im Zusammenhang mit grenzüberschreitenden Transaktionen angehen. Unser Ziel ist es, Lösungen für das Fehlen von Bank- und Zahlungsdiensten für legale Cannabisunternehmen anzubieten.


Die CannaCor-Münze ist ein ERC20, der auf der Ethereum-Blockchain basiert. ERC20 ist ein offizielles Protokoll für Vorschläge zur Verbesserung des Ethereum-Netzwerks (ETH) und kann als Standard für Münzen verstanden werden, die in der Ethereum-Blockchain erstellt wurden. Der ERC20-Münzstandard erleichtert das Umtauschen einer ERC20-Münze gegen eine andere und die Integration verschiedener ERC20-Münzen in Plattformen wie Blockchain-Geldbörsen und Umtauschautomaten und mehr.


  • Ticker: CANO
  • Plattform: Ethereum
  • Tokentyp: ERC-20


  • Vorverkaufspreis: 1 CANO = 0,06 USD
  • IEO Preis: 1 CANO = 0,12 USD
  • Akzeptieren: ETH, BTC, XRP
  • Weiche Obergrenze: 1.500.000 USD
  • Harte Kappe: 112.300.000 USD


  • 78%: Münzverkauf
  • 07%: CannaCor-Team
  • 07%: Blockchain Corp Team
  • 05%: Strategische Partnerschaften
  • 03%: Kopfgeld & Airdrop


  • 30%: Anbau
  • 30%: Technologie & Kern
  • 08%: Marketing & Business
  • 05%: Admin
  • 12%: Liquidität an den Börsen
  • 05%: Legal
  • 05%: Börsennotierungsgebühr
  • 05%: Provisionen und Gebühren


  1. Hugo: Geschäftsführer
  2. Pieter-Jan: CFO
  3. Pieter: Betriebsleiter
  4. Tobie: Rechtsberater
  5. Referenzen: HR
  6. Jan: Technischer Berater
  7. Seabata: Sicherheit
  8. Frik: Meisterzüchter

Blockchain Corp Team

  1. Gerhard: Gründer
  2. Logan: Softwareentwickler
  3. Ankur: Technischer Berater
  4. Tag: Technischer Berater
  5. Willie: Kultivierungsberater
  6. Sergey: Blockchain und Software Advisor
  7. Adeniji: Berater
  8. Deepanshu: Berater
  9. Peter Cris Nabida: Berater

Um noch genauere Informationen zu erhalten, besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:

Letty sits

THALER — Project Review

We will provide Article to present the “ THALER” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.

Video About Thaler :

What Is Thaler ?
Thaler is a bridge creator between our community and large investors.The idea of crypto mass education will lead our token to mass adoption. Thaler is a peer-to-peer digital currency which encourages growth within the blockchain technology community. It strengthen the path towards mass adoption of cryptocurrency technology through investing in unique innovations.

Thaler is a decentralized filter and linking platform which will provide cryptocurrency innovators an ecosystem where they can share information about their projects and get reliable Investors to partner with them. The THALER team understands that as new blockchain technologies are being developed, it is increasingly difficult for Investors to intelligently and informatively find the best cryptocurrency investments in the industry. On the other hand, it’s also difficult for the project creators to find funding for their projects. Thus, Thaler Crypto Foundation (T.C.F) will provide an ecosystem that solves these problems by connecting verified projects with Investors and Collaborators.

This exchange will have multiple functions as:
  1. Trading platform
2. Stake/Freeze tokens and receive rewards based on your holdings (in our stable coin TALS)
3. Contests for traders (with daily, weekly and monthly TOP 10). This section is dedicated for traders only. There will be different tasks published and based on your trades the top10 traders will receive various rewards.
4. Cryptocurrency catalog providing data on market capitalization, current rates, graphs, and so on.
5. Smart investment corner . This module will be directly connected with Thaler Crypto Foundation and will help investors reach the projects that are implemented in our Foundation.
The first 1000 users that will register and operate in our exchange will receive 50TALS = 50$ .
TALS will be the name of our Stable Coin that will be used for almost all payments in the exchange, or your daily shopping using NFC payment services.
We still have more announcements to make and we’ll come back with updates sooner than you can imagine.

Why choose Thaler :
Thaler can help create a bridge between Investors and small, but captivating projects that can improve the crypto space. Thaler is fully decentralized and by definition the most trustable coin on the market!
Our team motivation is to create the most trusted and low fee token on the market.
This new concept is designed to support, guide and develop small, but engaging crypto projects by creating new collaborations/ partnerships between investors, business enthusiasts, IT engineers, crypto devotees, etc.

Our goal here remains the same: mass adoption.
First, every crypto project submitted to our foundation has to pass through a safety verification system by Thaler . We want to stimulate their competitiveness, thus every project that is accepted will be listed and graded on the Thaler website according to their degree of activity (ex. Junior, Senior).
We will only encourage enterprising, dynamic and committed projects that maybe, someday, they will change the way that the Crypto World works!

We will be launching an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) in partnership with VinDAX Exchange launching on October/13/2019 10:00 UTC.

Token Detail

Total supply : 350.000.000TAL
Circulating supply :180.000.000TAL
Blockchain : Ethereum
Contract address: 0x375a08ce3a460f20bbafd282be1e3579a2c31f41

You can check in real time the cost of one transaction with our token: https://ethgasstation.info/

  • Session 1:
Session Supply: 10,000,000 TAL
BTC Market: 3,000,000 FROM
Pasar ETH: 3.000.000 TAL
Market General Manager: 1,000,000 TAL
USDT Market: 3,000,000
Price: $ 0.05 USD
Start time: October 13 2019, 10:00 UTC
  • Session 2:
Session Supply: 10,000,000 TAL
BTC Market: 3,000,000 FROM
Pasar ETH: 3.000.000 TAL
Market General Manager: 1,000,000 TAL
USDT Market: 3,000,000
Price: 0.07 USDT
Start time: October 16 2019 10:00 UTC

1.We will launch our exchange platform named MoneTAL Exchange:

There, you can trade various cryptocurrencies, stake (freeze) TAL tokens and receive rewards based on your holdings.
Also, the winning projectdecided by the communitywill be listed for free on MoneTal Exchange and the next two projects behind him will benefit a fee reduction of 50% .

2.Buy Back and Burn with Announcement:

After the IEO and Listing phase is finished, with every announcement posted by our team, we are going to buy backpart of our tokens from the open market and burn them (this will increase the scarcity and will help the token price go up).

3.Stability and Payment method :

We want to build our ownstable coin that can eliminate the risks of this volatile market, but also use it for daily purchases via NFC ( Near Field Communication), in this way you’ll use Thaler to make your daily grocery shopping.


We are developing a game on IOS/Android, where you can learn valuable information about blockchain technology and win some TAL on the way. To make the game more entertaining we will make monthly challenges and the number one player will receive various rewards.


If we are going to reach the soft cap, we are going to split 10 ETH for investors/ if we are going to reach hard cap — 100 ETH.
6.Charity :
If we are going to reach the soft cap, 1% of the funds raised will go to a charity chosen by the community / if we are going to reach the hard cap, 5% of the raised funds will go to charity.
On top of the token sale, we have a bounty programmed for you to earn some free tokens.
The bounty campaign will start on 4th of October and will be live for two weeks during the IEO

For More Information You Can Visit Think Link :

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019

SWAPZILLA - Project Review

We will provide Article to present the “ SWAPZILLA” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.

SwapZilla — is a unique infrastructure solution that revolutionizes crypto trading. SwapZilla, brings together all exchanges, all tokens, all news streams and all tools. Our platform is suitable for any player on the market: a crypto exchange, a trader, a news channel or a company that develops trading algorithms — SwapZilla will give them an opportunity to effectively interact and exchange information and data. Through our platform users will be able to: get convenient access to the widest possible range of crypto assets; crypto exchanges will be able to multiply their client base and get additional sources of income.

The main advantage of the SwapZilla is an instantaneous access to almost all crypto exchanges. Though our platform, traders are able to find the most profitable rates, to buy or sell cryptocurrency. Our platform tells you which exchanges have the best rates, which in the future will minimize the risks of exchange manipulation.
You can also use our platform if you need to send your assets from one exchange to another. For example, if you have ETH on Kraken and need it on Binance, via our platform, in just one click, you will be able to transfer it instantly without a charge (as long as both accounts belong to you). To put it in another way, via our platform, by having assets on one exchange, you are able to you use them on another exchange.
SwapZilla also provides crypto traders with the most efficient and innovative tools, as well as, user-friendly and advanced functionality.

SwapZilla — Project Benefits

Hello! Let’s talk about the benefits of SwapZilla.
The main advantage of SwapZilla is instant access to almost all cryptocurrency exchanges. Despite our platform, traders can find the best bets, buy or sell cryptocurrency. Our platform will tell you which exchanges have the best rates, which in the future will minimize the risks of exchange manipulations.
You can also use our platform if you need to send your assets from one exchange to another. For example, if you have ETH on Kraken and need it on Binance, through our platform, in just one click, you can instantly transfer it without charging (provided that both accounts belong to you). In other words, through our platform, having assets on one exchange, you can use them on another exchange.
SwapZilla also provides crypto traders with the most effective and innovative tools, as well as convenient and advanced features.

SwapZilla Overview

  • Imagination has always allowed us to speculate about what others are thinking and feeling, immortality also curious on our mind and even to create entirely fictive lives; and we have long proved eager to recruit technology to its service. We have used art, music, books, movies, television, and now the Internet to thrust ourselves imaginatively into the places and lives of others.
    In case you’re a Cryptocurrency trader searching for an edge you may have found out about algorithmic trading. In case you’re a moderately new trader, you may have expelled the thought as being excessively unpredictable. Here’s the uplifting news: You don’t should be a progressed or even reasonably experienced digital currency trader to create algorithmic trading techniques. On account of the presentation of amazing, yet easy to send bots, starting traders approach the points of interest offered by an algorithmic methodology.
However, despite all the growth and popularization of the entire direction. The blockchain technology itself has not quite gained the desired momentum to fully integrate into our daily lives, as they say. But in order for this to happen as soon as possible, the world needs decent tools and qualitatively built infrastructure for which blockchain technology will be able to demonstrate all its advantages.
What we have seen in principle over the past couple of years, or rather observe the active growth of various projects that are ready to implement the conceived concept as efficiently as possible and in the shortest possible time. But alas, one project in the field is not a warrior, so different experts and day and night generate incredible ideas about how it should look like all this infrastructure, what functions it should have and much more.
So sit back and let’s see what can be done here. Moreover, the topic of my today’s review concerns this direction, so it will be very interesting.

About the project and its features
So, dear ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present you a unique platform called — SwapZilla. To be more precise, SwapZilla is a multi-faceted service, both for its customers and partners. At the same time, its peculiarity lies in the fact that the most capacious to reveal to them the wide functionality of its infrastructure complex. In a word SwapZilla is adapted to any type of client, allowing each of them to find, in its structure, the maximum benefit and opportunity for implementation.
At the same time, the system itself SwapZilla acts more as a trading platform, where the user has a unique chance to get simultaneous access to more than 100 crypto-currency exchanges. And get access to unlimited information channels, analytical data and other financial instruments. In short, the developers of SwapZilla intend to create the most convenient environment for all its participants.

Benefits Of SwapZilla
But in addition to the above features SwapZilla has a number of advantages based on which:
the user will find a wide and effective functionality for any transactions;
at the same time, the aggregated price range will allow traders of the platform to make all their transactions at the most favorable rate, since it will have open access to all exchange rates of available exchanges. And their I will remind, will not less a hundred;
moreover, thanks to the built-in tools of margin, mirror and arbitrage trading within SwapZilla. The trader has a nice opportunity to receive regular passive income. That in principle I believe very convenient;
and on the basis of a powerful verification system, the user will receive the most reliable and secure system for storing and transferring not only cryptocurrencies, but also the data itself.
Thus, with all these features and tools, users and traders will finally find a powerful system where you do not need to create dozens of different accounts to be in touch with a large number of exchanges.

Benefits for the investor
As for another category of participants in the cryptocurrency market, a high degree of security and reliability of the system itself is also very important for them, with the help of which they will be able to manage their investment portfolio. Therefore, thanks to the built-in tools in SwapZilla, investors also have instant access to all the numerous exchanges, where at its discretion it can profitably sell a particular asset. I find it very convenient and most importantly, available in just one click. Advanced data Analytics, which includes data on the volume of crypto-currency assets, as well as unlimited access to margin trading, allows to Supplement all this Toolkit.

Benefits for B2B partners
As you have already understood, within the framework of SwapZilla you will find a huge number of crypto-currency and financial projects on a decentralized basis, as well as all kinds of exchanges and exchangers. At the same time, favorable terms of cooperation from SwapZilla for B2B partners are simply obvious. First, these structures will be able to join the SwapZilla platform for free. Secondly, due to the mass popularization of SwapZilla, these companies will be able to get unlimited access to their target audience, thereby provoking positive dynamics of their growth. And, thirdly, the SwapZilla platform takes all the costs of checking its clients on AML and KYC procedures, which naturally helps to reduce these costs for many blockchain projects. All this and much more is available for all B2B partners. And most importantly, you can learn a little more about it in the white paper SwapZilla.

Naturally, to gain access to the platform, the founders of SwapZilla developed their internal token SWZL, which meets all Ethereum and ERC20 standards. At the same time, the token itself is similar to a market bond, which allows its holder to receive additional passive income.
In total, 30 million SWZL WILL be issued for the development of the system, of which more than 27 million will be allocated for IEO sales, with an initial cost of 1USDC/USDT for 1 SWZL. Which I think is pretty good.


The payment plan is structured in a following way: all SwapZilla platform revenue is distributed in 70/30 proportion between the company and SWZL tokenholders: 70% — of the income is used to pay for current expenses and platform development and marketing; the remaining 30% of the income is transferred (in real time) to a special public wallet and then distributed proportionally to token holders.
IEO will take place between 15th July 2019 and 1st January 2020. The price for one SWZL token will be 1 USDT.
72% of the collected funds will be used as turnover capital. SWZL investors will receive income the day after the completion of the IEO (01/02/2020). The turnover funds (72% of the money raised) will be a collateral guarantee of the token.

For More Information You Can Visit This link :
Author : Letty sits
profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
MEW : 0x822E5C6A30c4F19EAB048f957e4729eF56bCcA7F

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019

Alchemy - Project Review

We will provide Article to present the “ Alchemy” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.

Speculative chemistry is a main digital money payment arrangement and innovation supplier in the Asia Pacific that forces on the web and disconnected vendors with quick, secure and advantageous mixture crypto-fiat payment frameworks and arrangements.
The vision of Alchemy Global Payment Solutions Limited (Alchemy is the brand name of Alchemy Global Payment Solutions Limited while ACH is the Token given by the Alchemy, and is utilized as the condensing beneath.) is to give open-source protocols and quick item advancement stages for the biological system accomplices to assist them with quick, secure, helpful, adaptable and quickly developing worldwide payment arrangements, in view of the decentralization, shrewd agreements and accord instruments from blockchain innovation.
Through the rich encounters of Alchemy and its eco-accomplices in portable payment applications, the group is certain to lead the payment business’ innovation application in the blockchain period and to utilize the arrangements where the conventional payment is well known with dealers.
Through decentralized brilliant agreement payment understandings and the motivating forces for the development abilities of different payment innovation organizations, the group expects to enact the human abundance of technical gifts, utilize the consent to arrive at the accord of the business network, and assurance the straightforward usage of standards with innovation, so the digital money can turn into a significant piece of the genuine exchange soon.
Speculative chemistry’s quality lies in the group’s profound comprehension of the payment business and operational experience. The group knows the worldwide payment innovation pattern of wallet payment, cross-outskirt obtaining, corporate finances accumulation, gathering answers for staggered circulation and other conventional payment programs. It has a great system in the tech network in Asian payments.

Video Introduction :

Alchemy is a leading hybrid-crypto-and-fiat mobile payment company in Asia.
The positioning of Alchemy is to provide open source protocols and rapid product development platforms for our ecosystem partners to have access to fast, secure, convenient, flexible and fast-growing global payment solutions. These payment solutions are built based on the decentralization, smart contracts and consensus mechanisms from blockchain technology.
As such, our core positioning is to empower our ecosystem partners (shown in the graph below) by providing the infrastructure of payment solutions which are built upon the blockchain technology.

The Technological Advantages
  • Alchemy payment consensus protocol can be deployed on various public blockchains, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stellar, EOS, Vite, etc., and at the same time, integrate Layer 2 payment solutions including Lightning Network, Raiden Network and State Channel Network.
  • Alchemy provides
i) offline cryptocurrecny acceptance solutions over smart POS and mobile devices,
ii) online cryptocurrency payment gateway, and
iii) fast access to various applications for online API, SDK and mainstream plugins, for example, wordpress, magento, zencart, etc.
  • Pioneering in PULLPAY protocol in the payment industry: Supporting blockchain to reauthorize two payment methods — PULLPAY and lightning network PULLPAY — to meet the needs of various scenarios in online and offline subscription.
  • Offering payment and settlement solutions from crypto to fiat and from fiat to crypto.
  • Providing an integrated solution for State Channel Network.
The table below refers to the comparisons between Alchemy Vs Existing Blockchain Payment Platforms. Alchemy focuses on providing payment protocols and open source development platforms that enable payment companies to adopt it with faster and reasonably priced services.
  • Based on the Alchemy payment consensus protocol (Alchemy), partners can offer merchants a cryptocurrency bill payment solution, including SDK, Plugin, API and/or Gateway (one-stop rapid access).
  • The supply and demand strategy based on Alchemy’s quantitative transaction risk model, the real-time dynamic exchange rate, payment, currency conversion and network mobility manages the risk caused by the large fluctuations of the cryptocurrency.
  • Based on Alchemy, the two-layer network expansion schemes such as Lightning Network and Raiden Network are integrated and optimized to compete with fiat payment, accelerate payment and improve experience, and popularize cryptocurrency.
  • Based on Alchemy, make an offline solution decentralized for the interaction between fiat and cryptocurrency, and empower partners who possess business networks/resources.
  • Alchemy can reward its payment ecosystem participants by issuing and distributing tokens, which come from the transaction profit and the token reserve.


Speculative chemistry envisions that supported by decentralization, savvy agreements and accord system of blockchain, Alchemy would empower payment industry players to grasp the new time of payment innovation by completely using a progression of open-source protocols and open R&D stage to improve the effectiveness of cross-fringe payments; to give dealers and clients a quicker, progressively secure, increasingly advantageous, and progressively adaptable worldwide payment arrangement.


The Goal of Alchemy is to plan the payment protocol through network agreement, to manufacture a decentralized, trust controlled framework, to speed up the infiltration of digital currency into our day by day life; and above all to restore the privileges of payment to the shippers, the client, and the market.
One of the most crucial issues of customary payment systems is that legitimate FIAT monetary standards are the elite alternatives for exchanges. This at that point enables brought together organizations to hold control over the clearing and settlement forms.
As a decentralized open biological system, the Alchemy payment system gives access to different resources that can be sold, including however not restricted to different cryptographic forms of money, tokens, credit payments and purposes of credit specialist organizations, different types of computerized resources, and fiat monetary standards; at last opening up alternatives for exchanges and not restrain them to one single type of cash. We accept clients and dealers reserve the privilege to pick which cash to use for payment and repayments.

For More Information You Can visit This Link :
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/AlchemyGPS/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/Alchemygps
YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC42hFOO1Jn6qqbvq4IuO4_w

Author : Letty sits
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1856247
MEW : 0x822E5C6A30c4F19EAB048f957e4729eF56bCcA7F