Senin, 28 Januari 2019


Kami akan memberikan Artikel untuk mempresentasikan proyek “Travelvee” kepada peserta platform potensial dan mereka yang tertarik untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangannya. Informasi yang tercantum di bawah ini mungkin tidak lengkap dan tidak menyiratkan hubungan kontrak apa pun. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada semua orang, sehingga mereka dapat menentukan apakah mereka bersedia untuk menganalisis perusahaan dengan maksud mendapatkan token atau berinvestasi.
Harapan untuk bergabung dengan Proyek ini sangat besar bagi kami, sebelum Anda bergabung, akan lebih baik jika Anda memahami proyek selain itu akan menambah wawasan Anda dan meningkatkan informasi untuk Anda terutama memahami visi dan misi proyek sehingga menambah Anda percaya pada.
Travelvee adalah platform terdesentralisasi untuk pemesanan dan perjalanan wisata, di mana blockchain digunakan, dan kontrak pintar menargetkan sektor ini dalam industri pariwisata pada kamar yang tidak ditempati di hotel di semua tingkatan.

Travelvee — Platform Pemesanan Inovatif! Berorientasi langsung ke pasar untuk kamar kosong — yang akan dijual dengan syarat eksklusif, yang dibahas antara hotel dan pembeli — secara rahasia, tentu saja dengan bantuan platform Travelvee.
Travelvee adalah komunitas terdesentralisasi dari orang-orang yang memilih yang terbaik di antara penawaran eksklusif untuk pembelian hotel dan layanan wisata dari semua tingkatan, dibuat hanya oleh mereka atas permintaan mereka dari peserta platform Travelvee: hotel, resor, vila, vila, apartemen, cottage, gempling, rumah liburan, motel, hostel.

Analisis Pasar
Kita semua tahu tentang miliaran belokan dan keuntungan di industri pariwisata, yang merupakan yang kedua setelah ekstraksi hidrokarbon. Menurut berbagai perkiraan, industri pariwisata diperkirakan 15–17% dari PDB dunia, dan laju pertumbuhannya berubah setiap tahun dari 12–20% terlepas dari perkembangan ekonomi dunia.
Kontribusi pariwisata ke PDB dunia ($ miliar)
Untuk setiap lokasi wisata, hotel atau sanatorium, apartemen, dll., Bahkan selama musim atau liburan, jarang mungkin untuk bekerja dengan pengisian 100%. Biasanya, rata-rata adalah 30–55% per tahun, dan dianggap berhasil dan menguntungkan. Di sisi lain, ini mengarah pada peningkatan biaya layanan yang diberikan, mempengaruhi kualitas, meningkatkan pergantian staf, dan sejumlah negatif lainnya.
Setiap investor dalam bisnis ini menginvestasikan banyak uang dalam iklan dan menarik pelanggan baru. Ada banyak operator tur dan situs yang menawarkan pemesanan cepat dan nyaman. Seperti,,, Expedia,, dan lainnya, dan tidak ada situs wisata yang tidak menggunakan layanan mereka.
Bukan karena ketidakmungkinan diskon besar pada layanan yang ditawarkan, tetapi minat perantara membentuk harga tinggi di industri, yang mengarah pada pembatasan aliran wisatawan. Secara terpisah, perlu dicatat bahwa hampir setiap fasilitas wisata yang telah beroperasi selama lebih dari satu tahun memiliki perkiraan statistik kehadiran untuk tahun mendatang. Statistik ini, serta biaya tetap seperti pajak, upah, pajak daerah, energi, dll., Akan memungkinkan pengelola fasilitas wisata untuk membuat keputusan individu tentang harga simbolis untuk layanan. Bahkan akomodasi hotel gratis atau tur lainnya. Objek akan mendatangkan untung dari mengunjungi restoran, pusat spa dan layanan lain yang ditawarkan oleh fasilitas wisata.

Business Model
Travelvee adalah platform perjalanan inovatif untuk pemesanan perjalanan dan perjalanan, di mana klien memilih di antara penawaran eksklusif dari hotel dan objek wisata lainnya — yang ditawarkan persis kepadanya dan tepat pada tanggal yang diperlukan.
Travelvee — terdesentralisasi, pengguna situs langsung mengirimkan keinginan mereka dengan harga dan syarat dan wilayah tempat mereka akan bepergian dan hotel di wilayah ini mengirimkan tanggapan penawaran mereka langsung kepada pengguna yang mengirim permintaan. Setiap pengguna akan dapat mengumumkan permintaan awal dan / atau panas untuk liburan pilihan, serta anggaran yang direncanakan, dan situs wisata akan memperjuangkannya dengan penawaran menarik.

Untuk pelanggan:
Pemesanan awal: turis dapat menggunakan banyak filter dan status; Jumlah wisatawan, usia, tujuan yang diinginkan, negara, laut, gunung, persyaratan minimum, internet, anggaran yang direncanakan dari dan banyak lagi. Ketika permintaan dipublikasikan, semua fasilitas wisata yang termasuk dalam kondisi ini akan diundang untuk melakukan penawaran pribadi dalam waktu 24 jam. Untuk menghindari pengaturan kartel antara lokasi wisata, semua penawaran akan bersifat anonim dan hanya dapat dilihat oleh klien. Segera setelah klien menerima salah satu penawaran, lokasi wisata lainnya akan secara otomatis diberitahu bahwa pilihannya adalah objek lain.
Pemesanan panas: Mereka kemungkinan besar cocok untuk perjalanan bisnis dan akan diproses setiap hari dengan kondisi yang sama seperti untuk pemesanan awal. Di dunia, praktis tidak ada hotel atau fasilitas wisata lain yang diisi 100%, terutama pada hari kerja. Ketika tiba di tempat tertentu, klien hanya memasukkan parameter yang diinginkan dari tur objek, serta (jika diinginkan) anggaran yang dimilikinya. Dengan kata lain, jika Anda terbang ke London selama 4 hari dari Frankfurt, memiliki anggaran untuk hotel bintang 2 — Anda menulis anggaran yang tersedia dalam aplikasi di situs web Travelvee, aplikasi Anda dilihat oleh semua hotel di London dan berdasarkan pada hunian, mereka mengirimi Anda proposal akomodasi, tentu saja tidak lebih tinggi dari anggaran yang ditunjukkan oleh Anda,
Ketika permintaan dipublikasikan, semua objek wisata jatuh dalam kondisi yang ditentukan, tetapi tidak tergantung pada jumlah bintang (kecuali jika ditunjukkan secara eksplisit oleh klien) akan diundang untuk membuat penawaran pribadi dalam waktu 4 jam.
Fasilitas Turis: Fasilitas Turis untuk bagian mereka akan dapat langsung bernegosiasi dengan klien tanpa biaya tambahan dan komisi untuk setiap tempat tinggal. Peluang penawaran pribadi untuk semua klien Travelvee Akses ke peringkat dengan pengguna paling aktif, kami akan membuat peringkat pengguna aktif, yang hanya akan tersedia untuk objek wisata, yang, pada gilirannya, dapat mengundang mereka dan membuat penawaran pribadi. Dengan pengembangan Travelvee, pengguna aktif akan menerima “kartu mile”, yang akan memberikan bonus dan diskon tambahan pada metode pemesanan tradisional.

Tim proyek percaya bahwa dengan semakin populernya portal Travelvee, wisatawan dari seluruh dunia disediakan dengan berbagai pilihan untuk rute wisata, kamar hotel dengan harga transparan dan tidak ada pengumpulan komisi, yang akan memungkinkan wisatawan untuk memantau perjalanan pribadi mereka merencanakan dan menghemat anggaran mereka sendiri. Manfaatkan solusi inovatif saat memilih tujuan wisata; berpartisipasi dalam pelelangan, menerima tawaran yang sangat menarik dan menguntungkan dari lokasi wisata dengan harga pasar terendah, meningkatkan poin bonus mereka sendiri dalam proyek dan bepergian dengan biaya mereka Untuk fasilitas wisata. Proyek ini memberi perusahaan kecil peluang untuk bersaing dengan raksasa industri pariwisata. Dan juga semua fasilitas wisata tanpa kecuali menerima berbagai alat untuk mengimplementasikan proposal mereka.

Sejumlah besar proposal menciptakan kebutuhan untuk menemukan berbagai cara untuk menjangkau konsumen. Kami menciptakan pasar baru yang berfokus pada tempat-tempat kosong atau terus-menerus kosong di lokasi wisata. Kami menciptakan Travelvee sebagai masyarakat dengan kecerdasan dan kreativitas tinggi yang akan berorientasi pada pasar kamar kosong — yang akan dijual dengan persyaratan eksklusif, yang dibahas antara hotel dan pembeli — secara rahasia, tentu saja dengan bantuan Travelvee peron.
  • Inovasi model penetapan harga.
  • Menghemat biaya hotel dan mengisi pangkalan hotel.
  • Meningkatkan peluang laba untuk hotel.
  • Mengurangi biaya untuk pelanggan.
  • Omset tinggi mata uang kripto
  • Penghematan karena kurangnya biaya dan komisi.
Travelvee hanya akan mendapat untung dari biaya tahunan yang akan dibayar oleh fasilitas wisata. Pembayaran akan di token dan akan setara dengan 100 hingga 300 euro per tahun, tergantung pada ukuran situs wisata, tetapi akan dibayarkan setelah transaksi. Artinya, hotel berlangganan platform dan membayar pembayaran berlangganan tahunan ke token TRAVEL, membelinya di exchanger atau pertukaran hanya setelah menerima pelanggan pertama dari platform kami! Travelvee menjamin bahwa tidak akan ada biaya atau komisi tersembunyi lainnya.

Struktur perusahaan
Untuk mengimplementasikan proyek Travelvee, sebuah perusahaan akan terdaftar di Liechtenstein, sebuah yurisdiksi yang tidak semahal Swiss, tetapi cukup loyal pada proyek-proyek crypto dan surga pajak yang baik. Untuk kebijakan sosial Travelvee bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan beban pajak ke arah penurunan, tetapi meningkatkan pengurangan amal, terus-menerus menghabiskan sebagian dari keuntungan untuk amal.
Semua manajer dan spesialis akan ditunjuk berdasarkan persaingan. Kami akan membuat basis departemen yang sudah ada pada kami; pemrograman, desain, pemasaran, periklanan, hukum, call center, inovasi, sumber daya manusia, dll. Di setiap negara kita akan memiliki mitra utama dalam pribadi perusahaan atau organisasi profil yang ada di mana kita akan mencari mitra, seperti: fasilitas wisata, agen pemasaran dan periklanan, asosiasi profil dan organisasi, dll. Semua ini akan menghemat waktu dan uang kita dan memastikan penetrasi yang luas dan agresif di pasar internasional.

Mengingat kenyataan bahwa platform, bersama dengan pendekatan inovatif, menyiratkan pembentukan pendapatan dan peningkatan harga mata uang domestik Token. Token akan berfungsi sebagai satu-satunya unit akun antara kami (platform Travelvee) dan hotel.

Pembayaran antara klien dan hotel direncanakan akan dilakukan dalam mata uang fiat, kartu debit, serta mata uang domestik Tokens TRAVEL. Hotel ini pada gilirannya menerima mata uang digital, yang kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung dengan platform Travel atau menggunakan uang yang sama untuk membeli token TRAVEL di bursa dan dengan cara ini menghitung. Seperti yang Anda pahami, kami akan menjual token TRAVEL utilitas kami dengan membuat ICO dan menarik dari 10 hingga 30 juta dolar dalam mata uang kripto. Semua dana yang terkumpul akan digunakan untuk membuat dan mempromosikan platform Travelvee, dan semua token yang tidak terjual akan dibakar, dan tim tidak akan meninggalkan satu token tunggal.
Fungsi token TRAVEL adalah sebagai berikut: biaya berlangganan tahunan untuk masing-masing hotel atau objek wisata lainnya, yaitu 100 EUR untuk objek kecil, 200EUR untuk fasilitas rata-rata, dan 300EUR untuk objek besar, hanya dibayar oleh TRAVEL token pada nilai tukar saat ini. Pada saat yang sama, kami akan selalu mengikat harga layanan kami dengan uang fiat — sekarang adalah: 100 EUR untuk objek kecil, 200EUR untuk fasilitas rata-rata dan 300EUR untuk objek besar, dan harga token akan mengambang dan akan tergantung pada permintaan untuk token yang diperlukan untuk pembayaran layanan pelanggan tahunan untuk hotel-hotel di platform Travelvee, sehingga untuk biaya yang rendah untuk menerima banyak pelanggan tambahan. Hasil dari kebijakan ini:
  1. Mempopulerkan platform Travelvee dengan mengorbankan dana yang dihimpun di ICO akan membuatnya populer di seluruh dunia dengan jutaan pengguna dan puluhan ribu hotel pelanggan. Pelanggan hanya perlu token TRAVEL untuk membayar pemeliharaan pelanggan. Ini akan menciptakan permintaan yang stabil untuk token, tanpa pampas dan dump besar untuk hotel akan membeli token tepat ketika tanggal pembayaran pembayaran tahunan tiba.
  2. Pembakaran token TRAVEL menurut program yang dideklarasikan akan menyebabkan penurunan tajam dalam jumlah mereka, dan meningkatnya permintaan mereka — ke beberapa peningkatan nilai mereka.
Token TRAVEL adalah utilitas berdasarkan standar Ethereum ERC-20 .. Fungsi utamanya adalah membayar biaya berlangganan tahunan untuk semua pelanggan Travelvee yang menyediakan layanan akomodasi di hotel, lokasi wisata lainnya, dan layanan pada platform Travelvee. Selain itu, Anda dapat membayar token TRAVEL kepada siapa pun, dengan pengaturan sebelumnya.
Platform Token: Ethereum
Simbol token: TRAVEL
Token standar: ERC — 20
Biaya token: 1 TRAVEL = $ 1
Mata uang yang diterima: ETH
Periode Penjualan PRE: 15 Oktober 2018–30 November 2018
Bonus — 50%
Maksimum — 1 000 000 USD
Kontrak pintar: 0x38a811bb19665E9f4FF4061FA4b7e0Cca92507BA

Distribusi Token TRAVEL
  1. AIRDROP dan BOUNTY maksimum 2 000 000 TRAVEL token.
  2. Penjualan publik ke ICO hingga $ 30.000.000.
  3. Selama Penjualan Token — harga token TRAVEL terkait dengan dolar. Anda akan menerima token TRAVEL segera setelah mengirim ETH ke alamat kami dalam jumlah yang disepakati oleh ETH ke dolar pada saat pengiriman ETH.
  4. Semua token yang tidak akan dijual dan ditransfer ke Bounty akan dibakar!
  5. Tidak akan ada tambahan emisi token!
Penulis : Letty sits


Мы предоставим статью, чтобы представить проект «Travelvee» потенциальным участникам платформы и тем, кто заинтересован в содействии ее развитию. Приведенная ниже информация может быть неполной и не подразумевает каких-либо договорных отношений. Основная цель — предоставить информацию всем, чтобы они могли определить, желают ли они проанализировать компанию с намерением получить токен или инвестировать.
Надежда присоединиться к этому проекту очень велика для нас, и прежде чем вы присоединитесь, будет лучше, если вы поймете проект, кроме того, он поможет вам лучше понять и улучшить информацию, особенно если вы поймете видение и миссию проекта и добавите его к вашему. доверять.
Travelvee — это децентрализованная платформа для бронирования туристов и поездок, в которой используется блокчейн, и умные контракты, ориентированные на сектор в сфере туризма, на незанятые номера в отелях всех уровней.

Travelvee — инновационная платформа бронирования! Ориентирован непосредственно на рынок незанятых номеров — которые будут продаваться на эксклюзивных условиях, которые обсуждаются между отелем и покупателем — конфиденциально, конечно, с помощью платформы Travelvee.
Travelvee — это децентрализованное сообщество людей, которые выбирают лучшее среди эксклюзивных предложений по приобретению гостиничных и туристических услуг всех уровней, сделанных только ими по их просьбе участников платформы Travelvee: отели, курорты, виллы, шале, апартаменты, коттеджи, пеньки, дома для отдыха, санатории, общежития.

Анализ рынка
Мы все знаем о миллиардах оборотов и прибыли в индустрии туризма, которая является второй после добычи углеводородов. По разным оценкам, индустрия туризма оценивается в 15–17% мирового ВВП, а темпы ее роста ежегодно изменяются с 12–20% независимо от развития мировой экономики.
Вклад туризма в мировой ВВП (млрд. Долл. США).
Для каждого туристического объекта, гостиницы или санатория, апартаментов и т. Д., Даже в течение сезона или праздников, редко можно работать со 100% заполнением. Как правило, среднее значение составляет 30–55% в год, и оно считается успешным и прибыльным. С другой стороны, это приводит к увеличению стоимости предоставляемых услуг, влияет на качество, увеличивает текучесть кадров и ряд других негативных факторов.
Каждый инвестор в этом бизнесе вкладывает большие деньги в рекламу и привлечение новых клиентов. Есть много туроператоров и сайтов, которые предлагают быстрое и удобное бронирование. Например,,,,, и другие, и нет туристического сайта, который бы не пользовался их услугами.
Не из-за невозможности больших скидок на предлагаемые услуги, а из-за посреднического интереса формируются высокие цены в отрасли, что приводит к ограничению потока туристов. Отдельно следует отметить, что почти все туристические объекты, которые работают более года, имеют приблизительную статистику посещаемости на предстоящий год. Эти статистические данные, а также фиксированные расходы, такие как налоги, заработная плата, местные налоги, энергия и т. Д., Позволят руководителям туристических объектов принимать индивидуальные решения о символических ценах на услуги. Даже бесплатное проживание в отеле или другой тур. Объект будет приносить прибыль от посещения ресторана, спа-центра и других услуг, предлагаемых туристическим объектом.

Travelvee — это инновационная туристическая платформа для бронирования путешествий и путешествий, в которой клиент выбирает среди эксклюзивных предложений от отелей и других туров объекты — предлагаемые именно ему и именно в его нужные даты.
Travelvee — децентрализованный, пользователи сайта напрямую отправляют свои пожелания по цене, а также по условиям и территории, по которой они будут путешествовать, а отели на этой территории отправляют в ответ свои предложения непосредственно пользователю, отправившему запрос. Каждый пользователь сможет объявить о ранних и / или горячих запросах на предпочитаемый отдых, а также о планируемом бюджете, и туристические сайты будут бороться за него с привлекательными предложениями.

Для клиентов:
Раннее бронирование: турист может использовать множество фильтров и состояний; Количество отдыхающих, возраст, желаемое место назначения, страна, море, горы, минимальные требования, интернет, планируемый бюджет от до и многое другое. После публикации запроса все туристические объекты, подпадающие под эти условия, будут приглашены сделать личные предложения в течение 24 часов. Чтобы избежать картельных договоренностей между туристическими объектами, все предложения будут анонимными и видимыми только для клиента. Как только клиент примет одно из предложений, другие туристические сайты будут автоматически уведомлены о том, что выбор является другим объектом.
Горячие бронирования: они, скорее всего, подходят для деловых поездок и будут обрабатываться изо дня в день на тех же условиях, что и при раннем бронировании. В мире практически нет отелей или других туристических объектов, заполненных на 100%, особенно в будние дни. Прибыв в определенное место, клиент просто вводит нужные параметры тура по объекту, а также (при желании) бюджет, который у него есть. Другими словами, если вы прилетаете в Лондон на 4 дня из Франкфурта, имея бюджет на 2-звездочный отель, — вы записываете доступный бюджет в приложении на веб-сайте Travelvee, ваше заявление просматривается всеми лондонскими отелями и на основе размещение, они высылают вам предложения по размещению, естественно, не выше указанного вами бюджета,
Когда запрос публикуется, все туристические объекты, подпадающие под указанные условия, но не зависящие от количества звезд (если это явно не указано клиентом), будут приглашены сделать личные предложения в течение 4 часов.
Туристические объекты: Туристические объекты со своей стороны смогут напрямую договариваться с клиентом без дополнительных комиссий за каждую резиденцию. Возможность персональных предложений для всех клиентов Travelvee. Для доступа к рейтингу наиболее активных пользователей мы создадим рейтинг активных пользователей, который будет доступен только для туристических объектов, которые, в свою очередь, могут их приглашать и делать личные предложения. С развитием Travelvee активные пользователи получат «милевую карту», ​​которая даст дополнительные бонусы и скидки на традиционные методы бронирования.

Команда проекта считает, что с ростом популярности портала Travelvee туристам со всего мира предоставляются различные варианты туристических маршрутов, гостиничные номера с прозрачными ценами и без взимания комиссионных сборов, что позволит туристам отслеживать их индивидуальное путешествие планы и сохранить свой бюджет. Воспользуйтесь инновационными решениями при выборе туристического направления; Участвуйте в аукционах, получайте очень интересные и выгодные предложения от туристических сайтов по самым низким рыночным ставкам, увеличивайте собственные бонусные баллы в рамках проекта и путешествуйте за их счет по туристическим объектам. Проект предоставляет небольшим компаниям возможность конкурировать с гигантами туристической индустрии. А также все туристические объекты без исключения получают широкий спектр инструментов для реализации своих предложений.

Огромное количество предложений создает необходимость поиска различных способов охвата потребителей. Мы создаем новый рынок, ориентированный на вакантные или постоянно вакантные места на туристических площадках. Мы создаем Travelvee как общество с высоким интеллектом и креативностью, которое будет ориентировано на рынок незанятых номеров — которые будут продаваться на эксклюзивных условиях, которые обсуждаются между отелем и покупателем — конфиденциально, конечно, с помощью Travelvee Платформа.
  • Инновация моделей ценообразования.
  • Экономит гостиничные расходы и наполняет базу отеля.
  • Увеличивает возможности получения прибыли для отелей.
  • Снижает затраты для клиентов.
  • Высокий оборот криптовалюты
  • Экономия от отсутствия сборов и комиссий.
Travelvee будет получать прибыль только от ежегодных сборов, которые будут оплачиваться туристическими объектами. Платежи будут в токенах и будут эквивалентны 100–300 евро в год, в зависимости от размера туристического сайта, но будут выплачены после транзакции. То есть отель подписался на платформу и оплачивает годовую абонентскую плату токенам TRAVEL, покупая их на обменнике или бирже только после того, как получил первого клиента с нашей платформы! Travelvee гарантирует, что не будет никаких других скрытых платежей или комиссий.

Структура компании
Для реализации проекта Travelvee компания будет зарегистрирована в Лихтенштейне, юрисдикция которого не такая дорогая, как Швейцария, но довольно лояльная к криптографическим проектам и хорошей налоговой гавани. Ведь социальная политика Travelvee направлена ​​на оптимизацию налогового бремени в сторону уменьшения, но увеличение благотворительных отчислений, постоянное расходование части прибыли на благотворительность.
Все руководители и специалисты будут назначаться на конкурсной основе. Мы создадим на нас уже существующую базу отдела; программирование, дизайн, маркетинг, реклама, юриспруденция, колл-центр, инновации, управление персоналом и т. д. В каждой стране у нас будет основной партнер в лице существующей профильной компании или организации, через которую мы будем искать партнеров, таких как: туристические объекты, маркетинговые и рекламные агентства, профильные ассоциации и организации и т. д. Все это сэкономит нам время и деньги и обеспечит широкое и агрессивное проникновение на международный рынок.

Ввиду того, что платформа, наряду с инновационным подходом, подразумевает формирование дохода и повышение цены национальной валюты токена. Токены будут единственной учетной записью между нами (платформой Travelvee) и отелями.

Планируется, что платежи между клиентом и отелем будут осуществляться в виде неконтролируемой валюты, дебетовых карт, а также национальной валюты токенов TRAVEL. Отель, в свою очередь, получает цифровую валюту, которая затем используется для расчета с платформой Travel или использует те же деньги для покупки токенов TRAVEL на бирже и таким образом рассчитывает. Как вы понимаете, мы собираемся продавать наши служебные токены TRAVEL, делая ICO и привлекая от 10 до 30 миллионов долларов в криптовалютах. Все собранные средства будут использованы для создания и продвижения платформы Travelvee, а все непроданные токены будут сожжены, и команда не оставит ни одного токена.
Функция токена TRAVEL заключается в следующем: ежегодная абонентская плата за каждый из отелей или других туристических объектов, которая составляет 100 евро для небольшого объекта, 200 евро для среднего объекта и 300 евро для крупного объекта, оплачивается только TRAVEL. токены по текущему обменному курсу. В то же время мы всегда будем привязывать цену наших услуг к бумажным деньгам — теперь это: 100 евро для небольшого объекта, 200 евро для среднего объекта и 300 евро для крупного объекта, и цена токена будет плавающей. и будет зависеть от спроса на токены, которые необходимы для оплаты годового обслуживания клиентов отелей на платформе Travelvee, так что за скромную плату можно получить множество дополнительных клиентов. Результат этой политики:
  1. Популяризация платформы Travelvee за счет средств, привлеченных в ICO, сделает ее популярной во всем мире среди миллионов пользователей и десятков тысяч отелей-подписчиков. Абонентам просто понадобятся токены TRAVEL для оплаты обслуживания абонента. Это создаст стабильный спрос на токены, без больших пампасов и свалок в отеле будут покупать токены именно тогда, когда наступит дата оплаты годового платежа.
  2. Сжигание токенов TRAVEL по заявленной программе приведет к резкому снижению их количества, а растущий спрос на них — к многократному увеличению их стоимости.
Токен TRAVEL — это утилита, основанная на стандарте Ethereum ERC-20. Его основная функция — ежегодная оплата подписки для всех абонентов Travelvee, которые предоставляют услуги размещения в отелях, других туристических местах и ​​на платформе Travelvee. Кроме того, вы можете оплатить токен TRAVEL любому лицу по предварительной договоренности.
Платформа токенов: Ethereum
Символ токена: ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ
Стандартный токен: ERC — 20
Стоимость токена: 1 ПУТЕШЕСТВИЯ = 1 $
Принимаемая валюта: ETH
Период предварительной продажи: 15 октября 2018 г. — 30 ноября 2018 г.
Бонус — 50%
Максимум — 1 000 000 долларов США
Умный контракт: 0x38a811bb19665E9f4FF4061FA4b7e0Cca92507BA

TRAVEL Распределение токенов
  1. AIRDROP и BOUNTY максимум 2 000 000 токенов TRAVEL.
  2. Открытая продажа ICO на сумму до 30 000 000 долларов США.
  3. Во время продажи токенов — цена токена TRAVEL привязана к доллару. Вы получите токены TRAVEL сразу после отправки ETH на наш адрес в размере, согласованном ETH с долларом на момент отправки ETH.
  4. Все жетоны, которые не будут проданы и переданы в Баунти, будут сожжены!
  5. Никаких дополнительных выбросов токенов не будет!
Для получения дополнительной информации вы можете посетить ссылку ниже:

Author : Letty sits

Jumat, 25 Januari 2019

OATH - Blockchain Dispute Resolution & Governance Protocol

We will provide Article to present the “ OATH PROTOCOL” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.

Blockchain Security should have two layers: cybersecurity and governance. Although the focus tends to be on cybersecurity (anti-hacking, code review, etc.), regular users encounter conflicts/disputes more often than security hacks in their day-to-day usage, making governance just as important as, and covering more areas than cybersecurity. This is even more true in a decentralized ecosystem that does not (or should not) have centralized arbitration services.
Presently, a decentralized, transparent, and fair dispute resolution system with no conflict of interests is the most important missing piece for blockchain.
Modeled on the common law jury system, Oath Protocol combines one of the most reliable legal systems from the real world with blockchain technology, cryptography, computing algorithms, game theory reputation system, and other concepts to provide a layer 2 cross-chain infrastructure along with supporting technologies for a decentralized, standard, and extensible public chain-agnostic protocol that protects dApp users’ rights and assets.
  • Decentralized community decisionmaking: Oath Protocol relies on regular blockchain users to form its juror community and decide cases, initially with juries ranging from 11–101 jurors. Jurors do not need to hold OATH tokens to qualify for juries (no staking), therefore eliminating concentration of power and potential for improper control of the platform. Larger juries (min 11 jurors) also more accurately represent community consensus and ensure decentralized decisionmaking.
  • Semi-decentralized voting process: only two transactions take place on-chain (and require gas fees to record): initiation of the case and recording of the case result. The evidence submission, jurors’ questions to the parties, and voting take place off-chain, facilitating more robust case participation by the jurors and eliminating gas fees associated with fully on-chain voting.
  • Layer 2 protocol: as an infrastructure layer, Oath Protocol does have to deal with the potential difficulty of enforcing the decision rendered by the jury. When chains or dApps use a smart contract that incorporates Oath Protocol as the standard dispute resolution mechanism, once the case is decided, the outcome is returned to the smart contract, which then self-executes.
  • Algorithms and safeguards to ensure fairness: Oath’s dynamic allocation algorithm reduces the odds of the same jury members resolving multiple disputes to avoid collusion. Oath’s categorized random algorithm, designed for reducing bias, selects jurors with diverse backgrounds to ensure fairness. The jury members’ identities are kept confidential through cryptographic techniques to ensure objectivity and immunity from external influence.
  • Compatibility with any public chains or dApps: via APIs, Oath Protocol is compatible with any chains or dApps, and our smart contract template library (with templates that address a variety of use cases and come with built-in Oath dispute resolution and governance protocol) allows for easy integration.
  • Credit level system and data analytics: Oath Protocol’s credit level system and token reward mechanism incentivize good-faith decisionmaking and protect the ecosystem from bots and bad actors. Oath Protocol will also collect and analyze data relating to jurors’ behavior to enable our selection algorithms to accurately select the best group of jurors for cases. Through our combination of the credit level and juror data, Oath can provide the best and most reliable arbitration services for all kinds of use cases.
  • Scalability and tiers: Because users are not required to have specialized expertise to become jurors, the jury community can grow significantly. Using the credit level system, Oath can accurately assess the jurors’ decisionmaking reputation. For complex or high-impact cases, Oath will be able to select top-tier jurors with the highest credit level. For simplest cases, Oath may use a broader juror pool, with no minimum credit level requirement.
  • Transparency: OATH saves all key data, as well as the jurors’ votes and stated reasons therefor, on the blockchain to create an immutable and searchable record.

The details of the ICO

In order to use the service from OATH, the user must pay a small amount in tokens (OATH). In total, 10 billion coins will be issued, all of them represent the ERC-20 standard. The cost of 1 OATH = 0.005 USD. In total, the developers intend to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 10,000,000 USD.



2018 — Q2
Project Initiation
2018 — Q3
Team and Advisors
2018 — Q4
Partnership Network
2019 — Q1
Public Beta and Integration
2019 — Q2
Mainnet Launch
2019 — Q3
API Version and Partner Expansion
2019 — Q4
New Features

For More Information you can visit link below :

Author : Letty sits

Petchains - The World's 1st Pets Short Video Platform

We will provide Article to present the “ Petchains” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.
Petchains is dedicated to the global information management system for the panpet market and the trading platform. The solution is based on modern and global technologies, such as big data and blockchain, which allows users to save unique data and store data as animals that live at home or in shelters.

Decentralize Platform
Petchains is dedicated to a global panpet market information management system and the trading platform.
The solution is developed on the modern and global technologies like big data and blockchain which allows the users to maintain a unique and to keep the data of both the animals who lives in the home or in the shelters.
The main aim of this project is to bring up the community which is made up of the experts, professionals, institutions, academics, owners, service providers, dealers volunteers and other participants of the animal community, they can interact globally and contribute to provide the efficient lives to the pets.
Buyback Tokens Program
Quarterly | Nominal price: 0.00018 ETH
Petchains will quarterly allocate 90% of the proceeds to ensure the redemption of tokens from their holders (investors and users).
The program starts according to the results of the 3rd quarter of 2019. The price of the buyback is based on the nominal price of a token at 0.00018 ETH what is nearly $0.036.
Supervision Cost
Supervision Cost: The pet industry is increasing day by day, and it is becoming the effective one also but due to lack of communication, .So, the treatment and supervision cost leads high.
Lack of Verified Information
Sometimes the protectors are not able to get the verified information about the pets as it is difficult for the buyers to get the proper and appropriate information. In traditional method, the information can be modified.
Lack of transparent information
There is lack of information, hence the info is not appropriate. Some pet owners have a detailed information but in villages mostly pets doesn’t has any information. In that case there should be a proper information and should be manageable.
Lack of Proper Basic Needs Information
Petowner’s don’t have any proper information about the basic needs of their pets and they don’t know which food for their pets and what are not. They don’t have any proper guidance what to feed to their beloved pets.


Current Problems of the Petchains Industry
  • Supervision Cost — The pet industry is increasing day by day, and it is becoming the effective one also but due to lack of communication, .So, the treatment and supervision cost leads high.
  • There is lack of information - hence the info is not appropriate. Some pet owners have a detailed information but in villages mostly pets doesn’t has any information. In that case there should be a proper information and should be manageable
  • Lack of Verified Information — Sometimes the protectors are not able to get the verified information about the pets as it is difficult for the buyers to get the proper and appropriate information. In traditional method, the information can be modified
  • Lack of Proper Basic Needs Information — Petowner’s don’t have any proper information about the basic needs of their pets and they don’t know which food for their pets and what are not. They don’t have any proper guidance what to feed to their beloved pets.

The details of the ICO

For the high-quality work of Petchains, like any decentralized project, we are introduced to its token with the help of which it will be possible to perform any kind of transactions on payment for goods and services within the framework of this platform. Token name — PTCS. A total of 1.8 billion tokens will be issued. This number was chosen for a reason, as it symbolizes the total number of Pets on the planet Earth. And each coin is designed to give love to each of them. The face value of one PTCS coin will be 0.00018 ETH or ($0.036).

Technical Info

  • Buyback Tokens ProgramQuarterly |
  • Nominal price: 0.00018 ETH
  • Petchains will quarterly allocate 90% of the proceeds to ensure the redemption of tokens from their holders (investors and users).
  • The program starts according to the results of the 3rd quarter of 2019.
  • The price of the buyback is based on the nominal price of a token at 0.00018 ETH what is nearly $0.036.
For more information you can visit link below :

Author : Letty sits

BridgeX Network - Project Review

We will provide Article to present the “ BridgeX Network” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.
The BridgeX Network is a financial ecosystem framework, built on a proprietory technology core, that bridges the worlds of cryptocurrencies and fiat.
We provide decentralised credit, conversion and payment solutions between crypto and fiat currencies, allowing unprecedented interoperability. These create a unifying platform for both fintech-blockchain and traditional financial companies to participate in this new economy.
By allowing third-party distributed apps (DApps) to integrate, we truly unlock the exponential power of the BridgeX Network; partners can offer innovative services to solve real-world financial needs of the network’s international user base.
The BridgeX Network is the framework for a financial ecosystem of decentralized credit, conversion and payment solutions, enabling fully-decentralized crypto-to-crypto collateralized lending and borrowing, crypto-to-fiat currency conversions and cross-border payments.
The BridgeX Network will comprise of three main components:
01. BridgeX Core
02. BridgeX Platform
03. Third Party Integrators

01. BridgeX Core

Technologies Powering the BridgeX Network
Our core technologies comprise of cutting-edge smart contracts built atop the Ethereum blockchain — an on-chain loan matching service, on-chain loan tracking service and an oracle that collects off-chain data for the loan contracts — and an integrated cash management module providing off-chain solutions for crypto-to-fiat conversions and cross-border payments.
02. BridgeX Platform
As the first proof-of-concept for this new financial ecosystem, our DApp/Apps will demonstrate the power of the BridgeX Network at its integrated best, delivering three compelling and synergistic cash management solutions within a single platform, while providing third-party financial services or DApp developers with an understanding of the multitude of possibilities going forward.
Blockchain-based crypto-to-crypto loans in a decentralised peer-to-peer marketplace that securely and seamlessly matches borrowers and lenders.
BRIDGEPay is a powerful conversion and payments engine allowing for a) loans originating in the blockchain space to be localized in fiat, or b) its independent deployment as a comprehensive end-to-end cash management solution for users’ blockchain asset portfolios.
Apps BRIDGEConvert and BRIDGESend work seamlessly together in BRIDGEPay to provide crypto-to-fiat conversions and cross-border payment solutions.
03. Third Party Integrators
DApps/ Apps/ Service Providers
The BridgeX Network will unite the crypto community-at-large, the full spectrum of financial services players in the blockchain industry and traditional financial institutions/ services looking to enter and participate in this new world economy.
Any third party integrator or DApp developer can leverage on BridgeX Core to offer new services on their existing platform or create DApps/ Apps on the network that solve real-world financial needs.
How They Work Together

The BridgeX Network will utilise the BXN token — an ERC20 token


Q1 2018
Idea Formulation
Development Core: BRIDGEPay
Q2 2018
Partnerships and Community
BRIDGEPay: Integration to fiat liquidity and payment providers
Development Core: SMARTBridge
Q3 2018
Global Roadshow
Core BRIDGEPay: Integration to KYC service provider and KYC system implementation
Development App: BRIDGEConvert
Development App: BRIDGESend
Q4 2018
Core BRIDGEPAY: Testnet
Development DApp: BRIDGELoan
Q4 2019
Launch of BridgeX Foundation
Q3 2019
Development Platform: Lending API & Dev Tools
Third Party Integration
Community Voting: Non-ERC-20 Collateralised Loans
Q2 2019
Core SMARTBridge: Mainnet
DApp: BRIDGELoan Launch
Collateralised Loans: ERC-20 Tokens
Lending Assets: ETH & BXN
Q1 2019
Core BRIDGEPay: Mainnet
Apps: BRIDGEConvert & BRIDGESend Launch
Core SMARTBridge: Testnet


For More Information you can visit Link Bellow:

Author : Letty sits

Rabu, 23 Januari 2019

VANTA – INFINITY Connect Decentralized Network for Connectivity

Hello everyone, have a nice day. The hope of joining the VANTA project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.
We will provide Article to present the “ VANTA” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
VANTA is looking to build an intelligent network for real-time networking, which enables individuals and companies to quickly develop services that can efficiently transmit and process real-time data, as well as commercialize the services at low cost without additional infrastructure. As a result, creative services will be provided and integrated within the VANTA ecosystem, and VANTA blockchain will be a practical blockchain that will greatly contribute to improving the daily lives of individuals and operations of enterprise businesses. Real-time networking technology covers a wide range of areas. The technology can be used for messaging / file transfer / voice & video call development, large-scale real-time video streaming, and transmitting & processing various real-time data collected from IoT sensors. Besides addressing these problems through the VANTA blockchain, VANTA will provide and expand enterprise-level telecommunications network solutions to businesses and enterprise customers.
VANTA-decentralized network without permissions, which provides real-time, secure, and private interaction. With VANTA, individuals and corporations will be able to develop real-time data services and commercialize these services at low cost. In the end, VANTA will provide unlimited connectivity between all devices regardless of their location. VANTA’s goal is to allow individuals to create decentralized networks that perform real-time data transfer, and also process and store this data by selecting intelligent partners, collaborating and evaluating each other using the VANTA network protocol and consensus algorithm. Installing the main VANTA client on your computer or mobile device or installing applications developed using the VANTA API will allow you to participate. Network members compete with each other to get the data transfer / storage / processing task requested by the network in real time and perform key tasks such as finding and connecting peers (for exchanging data in P2P mode), relaying data, caching , processing and verification. ICO:

The VANTA Networking Framework is a low-level, non-blockchain, networking framework that delivers the networking performance for real-time communication while securing data against malicious attacks. Built on the PGP encryption standard and inspired by Namecoin’s decentralized namespaces model, this framework provides a rock-solid foundation for VANTA applications. Additionally, authentication and communication channel algorithms based on zero-knowledge proof enables secure data syncing and integration across multiple devices.

The need for real-time connectivity between people or devices is increasing exponentially. A decentralized network that allows infinite connectivity with a guarantee of privacy is indispensable.
VANTA will aim to provide solutions to our everyday problems. It will be optimized for real-time data transmissions to provide infinite connectivity among all people, devices and information, creating a variety of new opportunities for businesses.
VANTA will create its own ecosystem in the form of a blockchain platform, providing many network applications and services in real time. However, VANTA will provide the main module as an SDK and / or API to provide platform-independent access to the VANTA network. Thus, all platforms and applications that require real-time networking can use these services.

Benefits of using VANTA

For developers — Will develop and use a real-time communication service that is scalable, reliable and highly reliable at low cost.
For users — It is possible to use various high-quality services for free or almost free of charge, without worrying about privacy.
For organizations — The opportunity to build a telecommunications network based on the blockchain between various organizations.
VANTA is a blockchain project dedicated to connecting with real businesses to grow our ecosystem.
1. The costs of developing real-time networks and problems with centralized services.
Many companies are limited or unable to develop real-time network services. Many companies are forced to use centralized API services, which entails an increase in fees, the provider can stop the API service without notice and the data stored on a centralized server does not guarantee their security and confidentiality. This problem is solved by creating a decentralized network for real-time networks, which does not belong to anyone and is not controlled by anyone.

2. Confidentiality issues arising from the transfer and storage of personal data.
Data that will be transmitted and stored on centralized servers can be stolen. Using the blockchain, the process of transferring, storing and deleting data will be independent and transparent. And decentralized nodes transmitting and storing data in real time, prevent data from being stolen or misused.

3. Access to data generated by devices, and fees for using data.
VANTA intends to create an efficient system that can quickly and safely send and receive data in real time, creating a competitive system that instantly configures networks in accordance with each situation.

4. Confidence in communication between the parties and confidence in data transmitted from various devices.
In the near future, there will be more and more contacts between people and devices in real time, this will require reliable estimates. Trust will be achieved in the future, regardless of whether the person is engaged in everyday life or the company does business.

How the Intelligent Network Works
VANTA constitutes an intelligent network by allowing participating nodes to perform data transmission and processing operations accurately and reliably in a competitive manner. The VANTA ARKAS protocol and the consensus algorithm are the keys to this structure. Nodes constituting the intelligent network become intelligent node. In addition, installing the VANTA core client on your own computer or mobile device or installing applications developed on the VANTA API will allow you to participate as an intelligent node. Participants in the network compete with each other in order to receive data transmission / storage / processing tasks requested by the network in real-time, performing the main tasks as described in Figure 5.

VANTA Token Distribution
The VANTA network consists of 56.2 billion VANTA (VNT) tokens. A total of 35% will be raised via token sales. 10% of tokens will be given to the team who are core contributors for VANTA Network. Most of the portion of the budget will be dedicated to developing for the performance optimization and further function development.The VANTA (VNT) tokens shall be distributed as the following.



Author : Letty sits


We will provide Article to present the “ Travelvee” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The hope of joining the This project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially understanding the project’s vision and mission so that it adds to your trust in.
Travelvee is a decentralized platform for tourist bookings and travels, in which the blockchain is used, and smart contracts targeting the sector in the tourism industry on not occupied rooms in hotels of all levels.

Travelvee — Innovative Booking Platform! Oriented directly to the market for unoccupied rooms — which will be sold on exclusive terms, which are discussed between the hotel and the buyer — confidentially, of course with the help of Travelvee platform.
Travelvee is a decentralized community of people who choose the best among exclusive offers for the purchase of hotel and tourist services of all levels, made only by them at their request from participants of the Travelvee platform: hotels, resorts, villas, chalets, apartments, cottages, gempling, houses for holidays, motels, hostels.

Market Analysis
We all know about billions of turns and profits in the tourism industry, which is the second after the extraction of hydrocarbons. According to various estimates, the tourism industry is estimated at 15–17% of world GDP, and its growth rate changes annually from 12–20% regardless of the development of the world economy.
Contribution of tourism to world GDP ($ billion)
For every tourist site, hotel or sanatorium, apartments, etc., even during the season or holidays it is rarely possible to work with 100% filling. Typically, the average is 30–55% per year, and it is considered successful and profitable. On the other hand, it leads to an increase in the cost of services provided, affects quality, increases staff turnover, and a number of other negatives.
Each investor in this business invests a lot of money in advertising and attracting new customers. There are many tour operators and sites that offer quick and convenient reservations. Such as,,,,, and others, and there is no tourist site that does not use their services.
Not because of the impossibility of large discounts on the services offered, but the intermediary interest forms high prices in the industry, which leads to a restriction of the flow of tourists. Separately, it should be noted that almost every tourist facility that has been operating for more than a year has approximate attendance statistics for the coming year. These statistics, as well as fixed costs such as taxes, wages, local taxes, energy, etc., will allow managers of tourist facilities to make individual decisions about the symbolic prices for services. Even free hotel accommodation or another tour. Object will bring profit from visiting the restaurant, spa center and other services offered by the tourist facility.

Business Model
Travelvee is an innovative travel platform for travel and travel bookings, in which the client chooses among the exclusive offers from hotels and other tours of objects — offered exactly to him and exactly on his necessary dates.
Travelvee — decentralized, users of the site directly send their wishes at the price and the terms and territory on which they will travel and hotels in this territory send in response their offers directly to the user who sent the request. Each user will be able to announce early and / or hot requests for preferred vacation, as well as a planned budget, and tourist sites will fight for him with attractive offers.

For customers:
Early booking: the tourist can use a lot of filters and state; Number of holidaymakers, age, desired destination, country, sea, mountains, minimum requirements, internet, planned budget from to and much more. When the request is published, all tourist facilities that fall under these conditions will be invited to make personal offers within 24 hours. To avoid cartel arrangements between tourist sites, all offers will be anonymous and visible only to the client. As soon as the client accepts one of the offers, other tourist sites will be automatically notified that the choice is another object.
Hot reservations: They are most likely suitable for business trips and will be processed day in and day out with the same conditions as for early booking. In the world, there is practically no hotel or other tourist facility filled with 100%, especially on weekdays. When arriving at a certain place, the client simply enters the desired parameters of the tour of the object, as well as (if desired) the budget that it has. In other words, if you fly to London for 4 days from Frankfurt, having a budget for a 2 star hotel — you write the available budget in the application on the Travelvee website, your application is seen by all London hotels and, based on their occupancy, they send you accommodation proposals, naturally not higher the budget indicated by you, so there is a chance for the user to get an exclusive offer from a 4-star hotel with a stated budget of 2 stars.
When the request is published, all tour objects falling under the specified conditions, but not depending on the number of stars (unless explicitly indicated by the client) will be invited to make personal offers within 4 hours.
Tourist facilities: Tourist facilities for their part will be able to directly negotiate with the client without additional fees and commissions for each residence. Opportunity of personal offers to all Travelvee clients Access to the rating with the most active users we will create a rating of active users, which will be available only for tourist objects, which, in turn, can invite them and make personal offers. With the development of Travelvee, active users will receive a “mile card”, which will give additional bonuses and discounts on traditional methods of booking.

The project team believes that with the growing popularity of the Travelvee portal, tourists from all over the world are provided with a variety of options for tourist routes, hotel rooms with transparent prices and no commission collection, which will allow tourists to monitor their individual travel plans and save their own budget. Take advantage of innovative solutions when choosing a tourist destination; participate in auctions, receive very interesting and profitable offers from the tourist sites at the lowest market rates, increase their own bonus points within the project and travel at their expense For tourist facilities. The project provides small companies with the opportunity to compete with the giants of the tourist industry. And also all tourist facilities without exception receive a wide range of tools to implement their proposals.

A huge number of proposals create the need to find different ways to reach consumers. We are creating a new market that is focused on vacant or constantly vacant places in tourist sites. We create Travelvee as a society with high intelligence and creativity that will be oriented to the market of unoccupied rooms — which will be sold on exclusive terms, which are discussed between the hotel and the buyer — confidentially, of course with the help of the Travelvee platform.
  • Innovation of pricing models.
  • Saves hotel expenses and fills the hotel base.
  • Increases profit opportunities for hotels.
  • Reduces costs for customers.
  • High turnover of crypto currency
  • Savings from lack of fees and commissions.
Travelvee will profit only from annual fees that will be paid by tourist facilities. Payments will be in tokens and will be equivalent to 100 to 300 euros per year, depending on the size of the tourist site, but will be paid after the transaction. That is, the hotel subscribed to the platform and pays the annual subscription payment to TRAVEL tokens, buying them on the exchanger or the exchange only after it received the first customer from our platform! Travelvee guarantees that there will be no other hidden charges or commissions.

The structure of the company
To implement the Travelvee project, a company will be registered in Liechtenstein, a jurisdiction not as expensive as Switzerland, but quite loyal to crypto projects and a good tax haven. For the social policy of Travelvee is aimed at optimizing the tax burden in the direction of decreasing, but increasing the charitable deductions, constantly spending part of the profit on charity.
All managers and specialists will be appointed on a competitive basis. We will create on us already existing department base; programming, design, marketing, advertising, legal, call center, innovation, human resources, etc. In each country we will have a main partner in the person of an existing profile company or organization through which we will look for partners, such as: tourist facilities, marketing and advertising agencies, profile associations and organizations, etc. All this will save us time and money and ensure a broad and aggressive penetration in the international market.

In view of the fact that the platform, along with an innovative approach, implies the formation of income and an increase in the price of Token’s domestic currency. Tokens will serve as the only unit of account between us (the Travelvee platform) and hotels.

Payments between the client and the hotel are planned to be made in a fiat currency, debit cards, as well as the domestic currency of Tokens TRAVEL. The hotel in turn receives a digital currency, which is then used to calculate with the platform Travel or uses the same money to buy TRAVEL tokens on the exchange and in this way calculates. As you understand, we are going to sell our utility TRAVEL tokens by making an ICO and attract from 10 to 30 million dollars in crypto-currencies. All raised funds will be used to create and promote the Travelvee platform, and all unsold tokens will be burned, and the team will not leave a single token.
The function of the TRAVEL token is as follows: the annual subscription fee for each of the hotels or other tourist objects, which is 100 EUR for a small object, 200EUR for an average facility and 300EUR for a large object, is paid only by TRAVEL tokens at the current exchange rate. At the same time, we will always tie the price of our services to fiat money — now it is: 100 EUR for a small object, 200EUR for an average facility and 300EUR for a large object, and the price of a token will be floating and will depend on the demand for tokens that are needed for payment annual customer service for hotels on the platform Travelvee, so that for a modest fee to receive many additional customers. The result of this policy:
  1. The popularization of the Travelvee platform at the expense of funds raised at ICO will make it popular all over the world with millions of users and tens of thousands of subscriber hotels. Subscribers will simply need TRAVEL tokens to pay for subscriber maintenance. This will create a stable demand for tokens, without large pampas and dumps for the hotel will buy tokens exactly when the payment date of the annual payment comes.
  2. Burning of TRAVEL tokens according to the declared program will lead to a sharp decrease in their number, and the growing demand for them — to a multiple increase in their value.
TRAVEL token is a utility based on the Ethereum standard ERC-20.. Its main function is to pay annual subscription fees for all Travelvee subscribers who provide accommodation services in hotels, other tourist locations and services on the Travelvee platform. In addition, you can pay the TRAVEL token to anyone, by prior arrangement.
Token platform: Ethereum
Token symbol: TRAVEL
Standard token: ERC — 20
Token cost: 1 TRAVEL = $ 1
Accepted currency: ETH
Period of the PRE Sale: October 15, 2018 — November 30, 2018
Bonus — 50%
Maximum — 1 000 000 USD
Smart contract: 0x38a811bb19665E9f4FF4061FA4b7e0Cca92507BA

TRAVEL Token Distribution
  1. AIRDROP and BOUNTY a maximum of 2 000 000 TRAVEL tokens.
  2. Public sale to ICO for up to $ 30,000,000.
  3. During Token Sale — the price of the TRAVEL token is tied to the dollar. You will receive TRAVEL tokens immediately after sending ETH to our address in the amount agreed upon by ETH to the dollar at the time of ETH dispatch.
  4. All tokens that will not be sold and transferred to Bounty will be burned!
  5. There will not be any additional emissions of tokens!

Author : Letty sits