We will provide Article to present the “ Reflex ” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
Reflex wants to completely revolutionize the world of online social networks.
Everything you post on the internet has a monetary value and we want to share it with you. With Reflex you can earn RFX simply by doing what you’ve been doing for years on YouTube and Instagram, with the difference that you can now earn for your views and your followers.
Video Presentation :
Powered by Ethereum
The Project
Video & Articles Publish your videos and write articles on our platform and you can earn based on the views of your content. - Follow new people and chat with your friends. - Accept donations, sell your private videos.
Photo & Stories Post photos and daily stories and earn based on your views and your followers. Find more friends, chat and share your daily life.
Mobile Cloud Mining You can mine Reflex cryptocurrency directly in the cloud from your smartphone without consuming energy. Our cloud mining app have special events, bonuses, rankings and prizes.
Mobile Wallet App Send and Receive RFX directly from your smartphone. Always in your hands. Manage your RFX with “TRUST” wallet on the Ethereum Blockchain with simplicity and security. Exchange your RFX directly inside the wallet, with the Trust Wallet dApps.
You can use any ERC20 Ethereum Wallet to store your RFX.
However we recommand “Trust Wallet” where you can soon exchange RFX directly inside the Trust dApps browser.
We officially launched the Reflex Token globally on exchanges the 02/02/2020.
Why on this date?
Because it is a date that can be read backwards and remains unchanged.
It is a date that we call “reflected”, and it is completely in line with our vision of reflected monetary value that we want to guarantee to our users on our platforms.
Wir werden einen Artikel zur Verfügung stellen, um potenziellen Teilnehmern der Plattform und denjenigen, die daran interessiert sind, zu seiner Entwicklung beizutragen, das Projekt „EQ Token“ vorzustellen . Die unten aufgeführten Informationen sind möglicherweise nicht vollständig und implizieren kein Vertragsverhältnis. Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, allen Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit sie feststellen können, ob sie bereit sind, das Unternehmen mit der Absicht zu analysieren, Token zu erhalten oder zu investieren.
Wenn Sie wirklich an die Idee glauben, in die Sie investieren, warum nicht ein Teil davon werden? Mit EQ Token erhalten Sie durch jede Investition in ein Unternehmen Eigenkapital in dieses Unternehmen und können Dividenden ausschütten sowie Ihr Eigenkapital jederzeit verkaufen.
Das EQ20-Token ist ein ERC20-Token. Dieses Token wird verwendet, um Geld zu sammeln, damit EQ Token gestartet werden kann. Beim ersten Umtauschangebot werden insgesamt 70 Mio. Token zu einem Preis von 0,05 USD / Token angeboten.
Die 3% aller Token, die durch vollständig finanzierte Projekte erstellt wurden, gehören uns, sodass diese Token gleichmäßig an alle EQ20-Token-Inhaber gesendet werden. Ein Standardprojekt wird mit 100m Token erstellt. Wir werden 3 Millionen dieser Token besitzen und diese werden daher an alle EQ20-Inhaber gesendet. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie für jede 10.000 EQ20-Token (500 USD), die Sie kaufen, 300 Token aus jedem vollständig finanzierten Projekt erhalten, das wir jemals erstellt haben, sodass Investoren in EQ20 eine Beteiligung an jedem Unternehmen besitzen, das das EQ-Token-Geschäft jemals finanziert. Je!
Diese Token können dann jederzeit an unserer dezentralen Börse verkauft oder in Ihrer Brieftasche aufbewahrt werden, sodass jedes finanzierte Unternehmen, das erfolgreich wird, Dividenden direkt in Ihre Brieftasche zahlt!
Wir planen außerdem, 25% der Dividendengebühr von 2% auch an EQ20-Token-Inhaber zu zahlen!
EQ Token wird eine neue Methode des Crowdfunding von Aktien sein, mit der selbst kleinste Anleger Eigenkapital als Gegenleistung für ihre Investition erhalten können.
Alle Investmentanträge auf der EQ Token-Website müssen einen Teil ihres Geschäfts für einen bestimmten Geldbetrag anbieten. Bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung werden Token für dieses Unternehmen erstellt. Diese Token werden je nach Investitionsgröße gleichmäßig auf die Anleger verteilt. Wenn Sie diese Token in Ihrer digitalen Kryptowährungsbrieftasche aufbewahren, können wir Ihnen Anteile an Unternehmensgewinnen senden. Sie haben auch die Möglichkeit, Ihre Token jederzeit an unserer eigenen Token-Börse zu verkaufen.
Die 2 Hauptziele von EQ Token sind:
Geben Sie Start-ups und bestehenden Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, schnell Geld gegen Eigenkapital zu sammeln.
Geben Sie Anlegern jeder Größe die Möglichkeit, Beteiligte an einem Unternehmen zu sein.
Vorteile für eine Unternehmensliste auf unserer Crowdfunding-Plattform sind:
Die Auflistung des Unternehmens zahlt eine geringe Gebühr (zur Validierung der Auflistung ❤50 US-Dollar), und jede Geldsammlung / -überprüfung wird von unserem Service durchgeführt.
Sie können einen Teil ihres Unternehmens anbieten, den wir legal halten werden. Wir können dies dann in 100.000.000 Token umwandeln, die an Investoren verkauft werden sollen
Jeder vierteljährliche / jährliche Gewinnanteil wird dann an uns weitergegeben, den wir gleichmäßig an alle Token-Inhaber verteilen können
Im Falle eines fehlgeschlagenen Crowdfunding-Projekts, bei dem das Ziel nicht innerhalb des zulässigen Zeitrahmens erreicht wurde, können wir alle erhaltenen Investitionen zurückzahlen
Warum Blockchain?
Warum sollte es also besser sein, mit Blockchain Geld zu sammeln als mit den derzeitigen Methoden?
Gebühren Gegenwärtige Crowdfunding-Methoden haben recht hohe Gebühren. Dies liegt daran, dass die Crowdfunding-Unternehmen die Finanztransaktionen selten selbst abwickeln können und häufig Dritte für diesen Service bezahlen müssen. Mit Kryptowährungen können wir alle Transaktionen problemlos selbst abwickeln und finanzielle Einsparungen an unsere Kunden weitergeben
Eigenkapital Die Mehrheit der Crowdfunding-Unternehmen kann kein Eigenkapital als Gegenleistung für Investitionen anbieten, da es einfach zu schwierig ist, genau zu verfolgen, wem was gehört, und einfach Aktien zu verkaufen. Mit intelligenten Verträgen von Ethereum können wir einen Anteil von 20% an einem Unternehmen leicht in Milliarden kleiner Anteile aufteilen, die auf einzelne Ethereum-Geldbörsen zurückgeführt werden können, um die Aufteilung von Gewinnen (Dividenden) oder den Verkauf von Token zu ermöglichen.
Eigentum Ab dem ersten Tag der Token-Erstellung für ein neues Projekt sind Sie zu 100% Eigentümer Ihrer Token. Sie können sie an jeden senden, den Sie möchten, gegen alles eintauschen oder sie sogar an einem Offline-Speicherort aufbewahren, um sie zu schützen. Diese Art von Freiheit und Eigentum kommt nur mit Blockchain
Die Zukunft des Crowdfunding EQ Token wird die Blockchain-Technologie als viel bessere und effizientere Methode für das Crowdfunding von Aktien einsetzen.
Die Vorteile der Verwendung von Blockchain aus Anlegersicht sind:
Kleine Investitionen können mithilfe von Token leicht nachverfolgt und mit einem angemessenen Anteil am Unternehmen ausgezeichnet werden
Die Gewinnbeteiligung kann gleichmäßig und einfach an alle Anleger verteilt werden
Anleger können auch Stimmrechte erhalten, die anhand der Anzahl der Token, die sie in ihren Online-Geldbörsen besitzen, überprüft werden können (diese Funktion wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt verfügbar sein). Diese Token können privat an andere Anleger verkauft oder an unserer eigenen Token-Börse verkauft werden Zeit.
Das EQ20-Token wird verwendet, um Spenden für den Start des EQ-Tokens zu sammeln. Insgesamt werden im Rahmen des ersten Umtauschangebots von EQ Token 70 Millionen Token zu einem Preis von 0,05 USD pro Token verkauft, um 3,5 Mio. USD zu sammeln.
Der Token-Verkauf dauert 30 Tage und unser Mindestziel ist der Verkauf von 35 Millionen Token. Wenn wir unser Mindestziel für den Token-Verkauf nicht innerhalb des Zeitrahmens erreichen, werden alle Mittel an die Anleger zurückgegeben.
1 Mio. EQ20-Token werden für Werbezwecke verwendet, um das Bewusstsein für EQ Token und das, was wir erreichen möchten, zu stärken (hauptsächlich durch Social Media-Wettbewerbe).
Es gibt 4 Millionen EQ20-Token, mit denen Teilnehmer an unserem Kopfgeldprogramm belohnt werden. Diese Token werden 1–2 Monate nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des IEO ausgezahlt.
Die verbleibenden 25 Millionen Token werden vom Kernentwicklungsteam aufbewahrt und können zur Bezahlung externer Auftragnehmer verwendet werden.
EQ-Token IEO
Wir haben uns für eine Zeit und einen Ort für unser IEO entschieden!
Wir werden unsere IEO am Mittwoch, den 11. März um 20:00 Uhr GMT starten. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt laufen wir 1 Monat lang. Unser Mindest-IEO-Limit beträgt 20 Millionen verkaufte EQ20-Token. Wir haben festgestellt, dass wir mit so viel Kapital das Geschäft erfolgreich starten können. In dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass wir dieses Mindestziel bis zum 11. April um 20:00 Uhr nicht erreichen, werden alle Mittel an die Anleger zurückgegeben.
Wir werden maximal 70 Millionen Token verkaufen (mit einem Anfangspreis von 0,05 USD / Token). Wenn wir die ersten 50-Millionen-Token innerhalb von 48 Stunden verkaufen, werden die letzten 20-Millionen-Token mit einem um 20% erhöhten Preis aufgelistet (wenn die ersten 50-Millionen-Token außerhalb des 48-Stunden-Zeitrahmens verkauft werden, werden die letzten 20-Millionen-Token normal aufgelistet Verkaufspreis). Also schnell rein!
Wir werden einen dezentralen Austausch verwenden, um unser IEO freizugeben, und nach einigen Recherchen haben wir uns für McAfeeDex entschieden. Wir haben uns hauptsächlich wegen ihrer White-Listing-Funktion dafür entschieden. Die Standardgebühr pro Transaktion beträgt 0,25%. Sie können jedoch eine ERC20-Adresse für 100 USD auf die weiße Liste setzen. Dadurch werden lebenslange kostenlose Transaktionen auf McAfeeDex von dieser Adresse aus sichergestellt. Denken Sie also daran, zu rechnen, wenn Sie vorhaben, viel zu investieren! Es könnte sich lohnen, eine weiße Liste zu erstellen!
Obwohl die Verwendung recht einfach ist, haben wir nachfolgend eine kurze Anleitung zur Verwendung von McAfeeDex zusammengestellt. Probieren Sie es also vor dem IEO-Startdatum aus.
Für weitere Informationen können Sie diesen Link besuchen:
We will provide Article to present the “ EQ Token ” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
If you truly believe in the idea you’re investing in, why not become a part of it? With EQ Token, any investment you make in a company will give you equity in that company and allow distribution of dividends as well as the ability to sell your equity at any time.
The EQ20 token will be an ERC20 token. This token will be used to raise money to allow EQ Token to get started. A total of 70m tokens will be offered in the initial exchange offering for a price of $0.05/token.
The 3% of all tokens created through fully funded projects belong to us so these tokens will be evenly airdropped to all EQ20 token holders. A standard project will be created with 100m tokens. We will own 3m of these tokens and so these will be airdropped to all EQ20 holders. This means that for every 10,000 EQ20 tokens ($500) you buy, you will receive 300 tokens from every fully funded project that we ever create so investors in EQ20 will own a stake in every company the EQ Token business ever helps fund. Ever!
These tokens can then be sold on our decentralized exchange at any time or they can be kept in your wallet so that any funded company that starts to become successful, will start to pay dividends directly into your wallet!
We also plan to airdrop 25% of the 2% dividend fee to EQ20 token holders as well!
EQ Token will be a new method of equity crowdfunding that will allow even the smallest investor to get equity in return for their investment.
All investment applications on EQ Token website will need to offer up a portion of their business for a specified amount of money. If successfully funded, tokens will be created for this business. These tokens will be evenly distributed among investors based on investment size. Holding these tokens in your digital cryptocurrency wallet will allow us to send you shares of company profits. You will also have the chance to sell your tokens at any time on our own token exchange.
The 2 main aims of EQ Token are to:
Give start-ups and existing businesses the opportunity to quickly raise money in exchange for equity.
Give investors of any size the ability to be equity stakeholders in a company.
Benefits for a company listing on our crowdfunding platform are:
The company listing will pay a small fee (used to validate the listing, <$350) and any money collection/verification is carried out by our service.
They are able to offer a portion of their company, which we will legally hold. We are then able to convert this into 100,000,000 tokens to be sold to investors
Any quarterly/annual share in profits is then passed onto us which we can evenly distribute to all token holders
In the event of a failed crowdfunding project where the goal was not reached within the allowed time-frame, we are able to return any investments received
Why Blockchain?
So, why would raising money using blockchain be any better than the current methods?
Fees Current methods of crowdfunding have quite high fees. This is due to the fact that the crowdfunding companies are rarely able to handle the financial transactions themselves and often have to pay third parties for this service. Using crypto currencies, we will be able to easily handle all transactions ourselves, passing on financial savings to our customers
Equity The majority of crowdfunding companies cannot offer equity in return for investment as it is just too hard to track exactly who owns what and to easily sell shares. Using Ethereum smart contracts we can easily divide up a 20% portion in a company into billions of small shares that can be traced back to individual Ethereum wallets to allow sharing of profits (dividends) or selling of tokens.
Ownership From day 1 of the token creation for a new project, you have 100% ownership of your tokens. You can send them to whoever you want, trade them for whatever you want or else even store them in an offline location to keep them safe. This type of freedom and ownership only comes with blockchain
The Future of Crowdfunding EQ Token will use blockchain technology as a much better and more efficient way of equity crowdfunding.
The benefits of using blockchain from an investors point of view are:
Small investments can be easily tracked and awarded with a proportionate share in the company through the use of tokens
Profit sharing can be evenly and easily distributed to all investors
Investors can also be given voting rights which can be verified by the number of tokens they own in their online wallets (this feature will come at a later date) These tokens can be privately sold to other investors or sold on our own token exchange at any time.
The EQ20 token will be used to raise funds to help get EQ Token started. There will be 70m tokens sold in total in the EQ Token initial exchange offering for a price of $0.05 per token to help raise $3.5m.
The token sale will last for 30 days and our minimum target is to sell 35m tokens. If we do not reach our minimum token sale target within the timeframe, all funds will be returned to investors.
1m EQ20 tokens will be used for promotional purposes to help increase awareness of EQ Token and what we plan to accomplish (mostly through social media competitions).
There will be 4m EQ20 tokens that will be used to reward participants in our bounty program. These tokens will be paid 1–2 months after the successful completion of the IEO.
The remaining 25m tokens will be kept by the core development team and may be used to pay external contractors.
EQ-Token IEO
We have decided on a time and location for our IEO!
We will be starting our IEO on Wednesday 11th March at 20:00 GMT. We will be running for 1 month starting from this point. Our minimum IEO limit will be 20m EQ20 tokens sold. We have determined that with this much capital, we will be able to successfully start the business. In the unlikely event that we do not meet this minimum target by 11th April at 20:00, all funds will be returned to investors.
We will be selling a maximum of 70m tokens (with an initial price of $0.05/token). If we sell the first 50m tokens within 48 hours, the last 20m tokens will be listed with a 20% increased price (if the first 50m tokens are sold outside of the 48 hour time-frame, the last 20m tokens will be listed at normal selling price). So get in quick!
We will be using a decentralised exchange to release our IEO and after some research we have decided to use McAfeeDex. We have decided on this mainly because of their white-listing feature. The standard fee per transaction is 0.25% but you can white-list an ERC20 address for $100. This will ensure free transactions on McAfeeDex from that address for life. So remember to do the maths if you are planning to invest big! It might be worth white-listing!
Although it is fairly simple to use, we have put together a short guide on how to use McAfeeDex below, so get on a give it a try before the IEO start date.
We will provide Article to present the “ Relictum Pro” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
Blockchain 5.0 is a full-fledged blockchain platform designed for government, commercial and private activities. Relictum Pro is a smart platform of distributed registry of the latest generation which has been developed in order to formalize an individual’s economic life to take out emissaries between various participants within the chain. Blockchain 5.0 also records all events such as personal activity, logic, document flow, delivery, transportation, interaction with legal entities, etс.
Relictum Pro solves multiple problems. The Blockchain of the fifth generation has large block sizes as compared to the block sizes of other blockchains. The Blockchain also supports faster transactions while effectively organizing communication channels. The Relictum Pro platform doesn’t rely on the method of communication; instead, there is a node, and how the message is delivered does not matter.
Blockchain platform 5.0 uses a unique protocol based on TCP IP, where a virtual communication channel with each node is formed over the Internet. Only Blockchain 5.0 information flows in this virtual channel, which increases the data transfer speed several times. With so much on its platter, Relictum Pro is all set to take on the world.
About Relictum Pro consensus (blockchain 5.0)
Relictum Pro is a blockchain of the latest generation, Blockchain 5.0, which has all the necessary fundamental and sufficient condition to ensure the work of the fourth generation of blockchain
CryptographyWe have our own encryption algorithm
NetworkWe have our own node interaction (between themselves) principle
Smart-contractsWe have our own laboratory for all smart contracts.
Relictum Pro is an endless distributed registry with a developed system of smart contracts, describing (formalizing) any event in human life, ranging from buying and selling goods and services, recording logistic events, to tracking copyright and interacting with legal entities, including a number of self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any field of activity.
Relictum Pro, using the latest generation of blockchain technology, i.e., blockchain 5.0 has started using stable tokens, which are digital assets, whose emission depends on electronic or digital currencies received on Relictum Pro platform in the form of digital assets or cryptocurrencies. The stable coins will be named for the ease of use on the back of distributed ledger technology and Stable coin RLC is the main coin of the Relictum network.
Video About Relictum :
One of the main advantages is its distribution. As you understand, all the data in blockchain stores on thousands and millions of devices, and that means that there is no one single point of failure.
Security is the most important feature. The security of the blockchain technology is also ensured by a unique encryption scheme as well as by a digital signature that includes two keys, private and open, to form blockchain and to check the blocks.
Moreover, blockchain is a perfect technology because of its stability. It is almost impossible to change or delete the data that has already been registered in the blockchain.
The last point is that you can trust blockchain. Most of the traditional payment systems have intermediaries, like a bank, a credit card company, etc. The blockchain technology has changed this situation — a distributed network of nodes verifies all the transactions.
Global investments related to blockchain technology, according to the estimates of analytical agencies in 2021, reached 9.7 billion US dollars.
The size of the market is calculated based on the projected revenues from the implementation of blockchain solutions and the provision of services and services based on it.
Experienced project team;
Decentralization, this removes the risks of blocking user accounts;
The ability to verify the integrity of system algorithms;
Scalability, you can use this platform from anywhere in the world, since there are no financial barriers, everything depends on the Ethereum blockchain;
No need to identify players;
No restrictions on the number of transactions;
Automation of internal processes, acceleration of payments;
Creation of an internal ecosystem of services;
Total emission genesis of GTN tokens, pcs : 10 000 000 000 GTN
We will provide Article to present the “ IOOX” ( The REVOLUTIONARY CRYPTO-PAYMENT SYSTEM )project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The Ioox coin is a digital coin like any other, think of Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. This coin is the product of an ongoing project by a young team with a clear vision to incorporate cryptocurrencies in our everyday lives. The team pushes secure and verifiable transactions, unlike most other cryptocurrencies that do not encourage transparency. Our goal as a team is to enable immediate payments that can be transferred to any cryptographic wallets. Ioox caters for the everyday life of everyone, bearing in mind that each person approaches technology differently.
Video About Ioox :
The Ioox coin is unique because it is the first cryptocurrency with wearable payment devices, which include Ioox rings. The main aim is to achieve mass adoption of the coin because it will be adopted into our everyday activities such as payment for coffee, beer, sandwich or even laundry. The coin is suitable for most people since most of us carry out transactions of less than 10 dollars a day. It will replace micro-transactions with cash or credit cards that we all carry out daily. Transactions via wearables are b40% faster, and within a few years, they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. In addition to conducting payments, you can do the following with your payment devices. • Store your necessary information such as your blood type, allergies, residence, steps taken per day and your life expectancy. • Set a daily budget through remote setting. • Set daily payment limits • Track monthly expenses
Our Vision
We have imagined the future. The future closest to us for payment systems. To do this we must forget our present and project our thoughts over time. We are entering a new world, without paper payment instruments, without old credit cards. Our Jhon of the future will leave the house, enter a coffee shop and pay with our ioox coin by putting his ioox ring to chest reader.
He will have nothing with him, just a ring or his own bracelet.
In the near future we will pay with ioox coin and its ioox ring which, in addition to allowing us to pay, will contain our basic information: Blood type, allergies, residence, how many steps we take per day and what life expectancy we have based on our lifestyle. Enter our future.
Initial Release & Technology
ioox Technology integrates crypto-based currencies into a Blockchain ecosystem with current payment systems. You can carry out daily micro-transactions, every day with ioox coin and the ioox wearable systems (ring or bracelet) and set the daily budget through the remote setting. It will therefore be possible to set up payments with ioox coin in the partner shops or in USD in stores that are not yet enabled.
We are developing a tool for everyday life for everyone, and every person we know very well, has different times and approaches to new technologies.
Transparency & Trust
Through the management tool it will be possible to set and memorize your ring usage preferences. You can set daily payment limits and track monthly expenses. We want to build a transparent, fast and dynamic ecosystem. A new payment system, not a clone of old systems.
Payment Flexiblity
Easy payment and payment with cryptographic tokens, these are our mantras. Payments are immediate and can be transferred to any cryptographic wallet.
The roadmap includes the design of a secure wallet to hold, receive and send their native coins in total safety.
Investor profits follow two paths. Increase in the value of the currency proportional to the number of use. We want to reach mass, this is our goal. The second avenue of profit derives from the sale of the technological support, ring or bracelet with the ioox brand
One Platform For Mass Adoption
The native ioox project implementation platform works on the Ethereum network. A reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice was guided by the need to exploit the security and reliability of an existing network and apply to it a technology that predicts that by 2020 about 340 million people will use wearable payment systems, smartwatches, rings, etc. source The IHS report Near Field Communications. We will be part of this future and we will be trusted carriers.
One Platform For Mass Adoption
The native ioox project implementation platform works on the Ethereum network. A reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice was guided by the need to exploit the security and reliability of an existing network and apply to it a technology that predicts that by 2020 about 340 million people will use wearable payment systems, smartwatches, rings, etc. source The IHS report Near Field Communications. We will be part of this future and we will be trusted carriers.
Final Consideration
ioox’s primary goal is to make the ioox payment technology used by the masses, creating financial inclusion. Participating in the ioox project means being part of the future. Transactions via wearable device are 40% faster and within a few years they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for us.
Мы предоставим статью, чтобы представить проект « Квант » потенциальным участникам платформы и тем, кто заинтересован в содействии ее развитию. Приведенная ниже информация может быть неполной и не подразумевает каких-либо договорных отношений. Основная цель — предоставить информацию всем, чтобы они могли определить, желают ли они проанализировать компанию с намерением получить токен или инвестировать.
Проект, который будет обсуждаться сейчас, называется Quantum (сокращенно QHF). Важно отметить, что Quantum — это хедж-фонд, основанный группой специалистов по управлению и созданию алгоритмических методов управления активами. В список его возможностей также входит разработка и администрирование различных электронных систем, что делает Quantum не только надежным, но и конкурентоспособным участником финансового рынка. В то же время, сосредоточив внимание на его наиболее важной и, можно сказать, главной цели, а именно на предоставлении услуг управления капиталом высочайшего качества для всех криптоинвесторов.
Quantum Hedge Fund — лучшее решение для инвестирования в криптовалюту
Quantum Hedge Fund был создан группой независимых экспертов по алгоритмическим и ручным методам управления активами, а также признанными специалистами в области разработки и администрирования электронных систем с большим опытом работы на традиционных финансовых рынках.
Видео о Quantum:
Как вы уже поняли, Quantum — это своего рода гибрид, где большую часть обязательств берет на себя группа профессионалов с более чем 10-летним опытом управления активами. Делая их не только высочайшего качества, но и надежного управления в рамках этого хедж-фонда. Но, несмотря на наличие традиционных элементов алгоритмической поддержки, Quantum по-прежнему обладает рядом преимуществ, которые дает ему децентрализованная технология Blockchain. А именно прозрачность, надежность и безопасность всех операций. Именно поэтому команде специалистов есть что продемонстрировать на рынке современных финансовых услуг. Обходят не только нестабильные, но и другие торговые моменты, которые могут легко повредить активы пользователя. Именно поэтому Quantum в своей работе использует более одной комбинации разных алгоритмов, каждый из которых проверяется не только автоматически, но и вручную. Основан на многолетнем опыте лучших трейдеров в своем роде.
Которые после алгоритмического тестирования рыночных данных определяют исторические данные, дополнительно проверяют их, затем вносят некоторые коррективы и только затем запускают их на реальном рынке. Этот вид процесса способствует качественной торговле, и, следовательно, прибыли для его пользователей.
Средства криптовалюты клиента переводятся на баланс Фонда на основании договора доверительного управления.
Quantum Hedge Fund предлагает своим клиентам исключительные решения для эффективного управления активами криптовалюты и предоставляет заключения инвестиционных контрактов на срок от 1 месяца и более.
Самое главное, мы ценим доверие наших клиентов и поэтому взимаем комиссионные только за успешные результаты операций по управлению активами в соответствии с условиями, перечисленными ниже:
По соображениям безопасности QHF обрабатывает запросы на снятие вручную один раз в неделю по вторникам. Разместите запрос на вывод средств в любое время не позднее 23:59 (UTC) в понедельник, чтобы получить средства от QHF в течение расчетного периода, который начинается со вторника. Время обработки заявок на снятие средств обычно занимает от 3 часов до 3 дней.
Как стать партнером
QuantumHedgeFund открывает своим партнерам новый подход к зарабатыванию денег на рынке криптовалют. Вам больше не нужно думать об инвестировании, вам нужно думать о людях.
Каждый клиент QHF может стать партнером по финансированию. Единственное, что вам нужно, это зарегистрироваться. Приглашая новых партнеров и клиентов в МВФ, вы создаете сеть агентств.
Низкий риск с высокой доходностью криптовалюты. Неограниченные уровни для развития вашей агентской сети. Денежные бонусы за рост карьерного статуса и бонусы за привлечение инвестиций. Дополнительные преимущества и денежные бонусы для владельцев токенов QTM.
В декабре 2019 года наш фонд сделал дополнение к агентской программе, которая позволила нашим партнерам получать гораздо больший доход.
Среди них новые эксклюзивные бонусы — лидерские бонусы, а также новые условия для достижения разного карьерного статуса.
Инновация QHF
** Квантовая блокчейн **
Большая часть современных продвинутых этапов основания и блокчейна, которые мы реализуем сегодня, использует способ с эллиптическим изгибом (ECC) для работы с криптографией с открытым ключом, которая выступает в качестве стержня для соглашений по безопасности и является предметом опасностей квантовой обработки, в последнее время дополнительно упоминается как квантовая сила.
** Контраст от конкурентов **
Биологическая система квантовых инноваций состоит из трех основных сегментов: блокчейн, расширенный токен QTM и компонент соглашения. Квант был одним из первых этапов блокчейна, предложивших квантово-безопасные метки как в механике аккордов, так и в структурах токенов.
Совсем не похоже на большую часть других существующих этапов блокчейна, которые используют стратегию шифрования, известную как график расширенной метки Меркле (XMSS). Упреждающая ситуация в поддержании наиболее значимого уровня безопасности является одним из важнейших стандартов группы QHF, что подтверждается нестандартным выбором — два бесплатных предварительных анализа безопасности. Интегрированные хаб-центры по всему миру гарантируют обменное мастерство в системе в сочетании с инструментом согласования этапов Quantum Blockchain, который позволит достичь адекватных объемов обмена для поддержания этапов установки Quantum на целевом уровне. Подход с подтверждением на полпути позволит биржам достичь своей цели, не требуя подписи всех узлов в системе.
** Квантовая безопасность **
Стадия Quantum Blockchain может дать значительный уровень выполнения для обменов, которые должны быть выполнены в огромных масштабах, так же, как и обеспечить быструю скорость обработки обмена, которая требуется мировой экономикой и которая стала стандартом сегодня.
Стадия Quantum Blockchain использует структуру, названную монетой, и разделяет ее на отдельные потоки, которые могут быть изолированы разными монетами, гарантируя высокую безопасность и конфиденциальность всей компьютеризированной торговой структуры. На этой стадии используется определенная криптография, она не подвержена атакам, совершаемым даже с использованием интенсивности квантовой регистрации, таким образом, избегая ключевых недостатков безопасности современных криптографических устройств. Кроме того, обмен, связанный с деньгами, с помощью токенов QTM может быть выполнен эффективно без потери метаданных.
Подробные описания этапа Quantum Blockchain будут распространяться в виде специальной записи, которая будет завершена и выпущена группой по улучшению Quantum в 4 квартале 2020 года. Переносимые приложения для этапов iOS и Android будут доступны в 4 квартале 2020 года и позволят основным клиентам сотрудничать с окружающей средой и проверить полезность квантовой стадии блокчейна.
Бросьте вызов вопросам исполнения, безопасности и адаптируемости нынешнего века инноваций блокчейн.
Дает дополнительные возможности оплаты членам Quantum.
Применяя самые последние инновационные модели, чтобы усилить эффективность наших преимуществ, договоренности о правлении, солидная упреждающая ситуация в отношении наших соглашений по безопасности и опасности, к которой приближаются руководители, сохраняя при этом стабильное выполнение, исключительную отдачу и наибольшую прямолинейность, когда наши клиенты остаются в рамках нашего центра нуждается в плодотворном развитии больше от группы людей Quantum!
** Магазин выгоды **
Обычное ежемесячное пособие + 16,15%
Мы достигаем наилучшего соотношения риска и компенсации за счет полутора ресурсов, используемых руководителями. Мы продолжаем соблюдать условия наших процедур обмена и внимательно изучаем информацию о витринах. Мы можем сделать любые рыночные модели выгодными для нас. Из месяца в месяц наша выставка оставалась стабильной.
Для получения дополнительной информации вы можете посетить эту ссылку:
We will provide Article to present the “ Quantum” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
The project that will be discussed now is called Quantum (abbreviated QHF). It is important to note that Quantum is a hedge Fund founded by a group of specialists in the management and creation of algorithmic methods of asset management. Adding to the list of its capabilities is also the development and administration of various electronic systems, which makes Quantum not only reliable, but also a competitive participant in the financial market. At the same time, focusing on its most important and can be said to be the primary goal, namely to provide the highest quality capital management services for all crypto investors.
Quantum Hedge Fund is the best solution for investing in cryptocurrency
The Quantum Hedge Fund was established by a group of independent experts in algorithmic and manual methods of asset management, together with acknowledged specialists in the field of development and administration of electronic systems with extensive experience from the traditional financial markets.
Video About Quantum :
As you have already understood, Quantum is a kind of hybrid, where most of the obligations are assumed by a group of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in asset management. Making them not only the highest quality, but also safe management within the framework of this hedge Fund. But, despite the presence of traditional elements of algorithmic support, Quantum still has a number of advantages that the decentralized Blockchain technology gives it. Namely, transparency, reliability and security of all operations. That is why the team of specialists has something to demonstrate in the market of modern financial services. Bypassing not only unstable, but also other trading moments that can easily damage the user’s assets. That’s why Quantum in its work uses more than one combination of different algorithms, each of which is checked not only automatically, but also manually. Based on many years of experience of the best traders of its kind.
Which, after algorithmic testing of market data, determine the historical data, further test them, then make some adjustments and only then run it on the real market. This kind of process contributes to high-quality trading, and therefore profits for its users.
Client cryptocurrency assets are transferred to the Fund balance based on a trust management agreement.
Quantum Hedge Fund offers exceptional solutions for efficient cryptocurrency asset management for its clients and provides conclusions from investment contracts for periods of 1 month and higher.
Most importantly, we value the trust of our clients and therefore charge commissions only for successful results from asset management operations in accordance with the conditions listed below:
For security reasons, QHF handles withdrawal requests manually once a week on Tuesdays. Place a withdrawal request at any time no later than 23:59 (UTC) on Monday to receive funds from QHF during the settlement period which starts from Tuesday. Processing time for withdrawal applications usually takes from 3 hours to 3 days.
How to become a partner
QuantumHedgeFund opens a new approach to making money in the cryptocurrency market for its partners. You don’t need to think about investing anymore, you need to think about people.
Every QHF client can become a funding partner. The only thing you need is to register. By inviting new partners and clients to the IMF, you are building an agency network.
Low risk with high return on cryptocurrency. Unlimited levels for developing your agency network. Cash bonuses for growth in career status and bonuses for attracting investment. Additional benefits and cash bonuses for QTM token holders.
December 2019, our Fund made an addition to the Agency Program, which has enabled our partners to earn far greater income.
Among them, new exclusive bonuses — leadership bonuses, as well as new conditions for achieving different career status.
Innovation QHF
**Quantum Blockchain**
The greater part of the current advanced foundation and blockchain stages that we realize today utilize the elliptic-bend (ECC) way to deal with open key cryptography that capacities as the spine for security conventions and is the subject of quantum processing dangers, of late additionally alluded to as quantum strength.
**Contrast From Competitors **
The quantum innovation biological system comprises of three principle segments: Blockchain, QTM advanced token and agreement component. Quantum was one of the first blockchain stages to offer quantum-safe marks in both accord mechanics and token structures.
Not at all like the greater part of the other blockchain stages that exist that utilization the encryption strategy, known as the Merkle extended mark plot (XMSS). A proactive situation in keeping up the most significant level of security is among the essential standards of the QHF group, and as prove by the non-standard choice to lead two free advanced security reviews. All inclusive incorporated hub arranges all through the world will guarantee exchange proficiency in the system, matched with a Quantum Blockchain accord stage instrument that will empower accomplishing adequate exchange volumes to keep up Quantum installment stages at a focused level. The halfway affirmation approach will enable exchanges to arrive at their goal without requiring all hubs in the system to sign it.
**Quantum Security **
The Quantum Blockchain stage can give a significant level of execution for exchanges that must be completed on an enormous scale, just as give rapid exchange handling speeds that are required by the worldwide economy and which has become the standard today.
The Quantum Blockchain stage utilizes a coin-named structure and partitions installments into discrete streams that can be isolated with different coins, guaranteeing high security and privacy all through the computerized trade framework. This stage utilizes particular cryptography, is impervious to assaults done even by utilizing the intensity of quantum registering, in this way keeping away from the key security shortcomings of present day cryptographic devices. Additionally, money related exchanges with QTM tokens can be done effectively without spillage of metadata.
Itemized depictions of the Quantum Blockchain stage will be distributed in a specialized record that will be finished and discharged by the Quantum improvement group in Q4 2020. Portable applications for the iOS and Android stages will be accessible in Q4 2020 and will enable the primary clients to collaborate with the environment and test the usefulness of the Quantum stage Blockchain.
Challenge the issues of execution, security, and adaptability of the present age of blockchain innovation.
Gives extra pay chances to Quantum blockchain members.
Applying the most recent innovation patterns to amplify the effectiveness of our benefit the board arrangements, a solid proactive situation as for our security conventions and hazard the executives approaches, while keeping up stable execution, exceptional returns and greatest straightforwardness with our customers staying inside the extent of our center needs for fruitful development more from the Quantum people group!
**Store benefit **
Normal month to month benefit +16.15%
We accomplish the best hazard to-compensate proportion through a half and half resource the executives approach. We keep on observing the condition of our exchanging procedures and examine showcase information intently. We can make any market patterns advantageous for us. From month to month, our exhibition has stayed stable.
We will provide Article to present the “ CARTESI ( A Linux Infrastructure for Scalable DApps ) ” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
Public blockchains are mechanisms through which networks can maintain decentralized consensus over a shared state. Typically, this state holds, among other data, a payment system. The stake held by participants in the resulting economy works as their incentive for making the state widely available to others and for rejecting invalid transactions. In this virtuous cycle, the payment system is built on top of the decentralized consensus, which only functions due to incentives created by the payment system itself. Both the payment system and the consensus can then be used for other purposes
As new applications for blockchain technology are envisioned, the demands on the underlying infrastructure are constantly increasing. At the moment, the two major obstacles to widespread adoption of blockchain technology are its poor scalability and lack of a solid development environment. The main contribution of Cartesi to the blockchain ecosystem is overcoming both these issues
Other related technologies
Layer-1 scalability solutions
Layer-2 scalability solutions
Reputation solutions
Trusted execution environment
Zero knowledge proofs
Compilers and Virtual Machines
Cartesi Machine specification
The Cartesi Machine is a self-contained and deterministic computational model that can host modern operating systems. Real-world computations happen inside operating systems for good reasons. Developers are trained to use toolchains that operate at the highest possible abstraction level for any given job. These toolchains isolate them from irrelevant hardware details and even from the particulars of a given operating system. Inventing an ad-hoc new architecture would then require the porting of a toolchain and operating system. Instead, Cartesi Machines are based on a proven architecture for which a standard toolchain and operating system are already available.
Interested in participating and giving Creepts a shot before our launch? First, take a look at the step-by-step instructions as well as rules below:
3) Retrieve your highest score gameplay log (it will be downloaded automatically after you finish the game).
4) Submit your Gameplay Log File for each map (or only for one map if you choose), ETH Address and other info to: https://forms.gle/mr4VJ8u3dMeVptBT8
1) (1) Total submissions per person. Only 1 unique individual will be awarded the contest prize per map rotation.
2) You must download (after the game is completed) and submit your high score gameplay log files to the Google Form.
3) The contest will have 3 map rotations between February 1, 2020 — February 9, 2020. After the contest is over, the winners in each contest period will be announced within Cartesi’s outlets.
4) Distribution of CTSI will occur within 2 weeks of CTSI Exchange listing. 5) If you encounter any technical problems, feel free to engage with Cartesi’s technical team on Discord: https://discord.gg/Pt2NrnS